LEGRAND VANTAGE RadioLink EasyTouch II ScenePoint DR Installation Download Page 2




©Vantage, 12/1/2016 / IS-0472-B 

RadioLink® EasyTouch II ScenePoint DR — MODEL: RDR1XXX-XXXX 

page 2 of 4 

Mud Rings 
If mud rings are specified on a job it is important to test the mud 
rings for proper fit. Some mud rings run substantially smaller than 
back boxes and are not large enough for the station. The 



 is to test the fit first. 

3-Way Switch Application 
A ScenePoint DR Station may be used in any 3-way application. 
When installing a ScenePoint DR station, as a 3-way switch, the 
Red and Red/White (Loads Out) wires are not connected and are 
properly capped-off.  
Station Set Up in Software 


In the 

Project Explorer

 click on 

Style/Profile View

. Right 

click on 

Keypad Styles

 and select 

Add Keypad Style

. In the 



 window fill in all the information for the keypad style 

including the EasyTouch II 

Button Shape.

 Select SoftLine or 

TrimLine plastic for ScenePoint stations. Remember to check or 
uncheck the Auto Backlight check box to enable or disable this 
built-in feature. Right click on button style and setup a button style 
with the button color wanted. While still in Style/Profile View, right 
click on LED Styles and fill in the appropriate information in the 
Object Editor for EasyTouch II LEDs – Red/Green/Blue with ON 
and OFF colors. Next select the room, then click on 



 in the 

Object Explorer

 and expand 

Stations, RadioLink

From the list of stations double click on the 

ScenePoint DR Station


to place it in the room. In the Object Editor, name the station and 
make sure it is on the correct RadioLink bus. 
RadioLink stations need to be configured to associate which 
physical station goes with the station in software.  
When the station is initially powered-up, the Status LED will blink 
three times followed by a pause - this means the station is 
powered correctly but not yet on the network. 



the file to the Vantage system, do the following: From Design 
Center, click in the 

Serial Number

 section in the 

Object Editor


type in the serial number. Manually enter the serial number for each 
RadioLink station to match it with the corresponding 
The serial number of each station is located on a permanent sticker 
and a removable sticker* on the front of the station. Remove the 
sticker with the number only and place on the Station Design 
Report for easy reference when programming. The Main Controller 
will add to its network and configure all the RadioLink stations that 
it has serial numbers for. This may take several minutes depending 
on the number of RadioLink stations on the network. The Status 
LED will remain off when a station has been added to the network 
and configured. 
*If a serial number begins with “A”, do not use the letter “A” when 
manually typing serial numbers into the Design Center file.  
NOTE: A new feature with Design Center 2.3 and up is the ability 
to configure RadioLink stations the same way WireLink stations are 
configured, (e.g., 3-button press). When configuring stations, 
Please note, if the 

Exclude RadioLink Bus

 check box, under 


| System Preferences

, is not checked, all RadioLink stations go back 

to non-programmed mode when the Configure Stations button on 
the tool bar is clicked. The EasyTouch II station LEDs will all blink 
between red and off while in configure station mode until 
configured. After configuring stations and clicking the Configure 
Stations button again to turn configure stations mode off, all 
RadioLink stations need to log back on to the system before 
working as programmed. Allow time for these stations to come 
back online. 
Interlocked, Independent or Shade Operation Modes 
Interlocked Mode – 



This provides hardware interlock control between the two 
relay loads. Both relays are never allowed to be ON 
simultaneously. Interlock switch on the station must be set 
to active/Interlocked 

Independent Mode: – 



Each relay is controlled independent of the other. Both 
relays may be on at the same time. Interlock switch on the 
station must be set to inactive/non-Interlocked 

Shade Mode: – 



For shade mode the Interlock switch on the station must be 
set active/Interlocked. Limit switches must be properly 
setup on shade motors. Station must be programmed as a 
Shade Controller in Design Center 

Changing Operation Mode of Station 
If any station has been programmed as a Shade control or two 
independent relays and the mode or operation is changed, set the 
interlock switch and reset the station 


 re-programming in 

Design Center. Please see 



Shade Controller 
In this mode the station has the ability to track and set blinds to 
specific positions. 

Limit switches must already be set before doing 

the following.

 Once programmed as a shade controller in Design 

Center the blind should be executed to fully OPEN and then fully 
CLOSED positions. This 


 the station the limits of the blind it 

is controlling. When the station has learned the full open and full 
closed positions it can then be moved to any position wanted. For 
example to move the blind to its middle position simply program a 
task in Design Center to set the blind at 50%. It is also possible to 
assign the blind to a slider on a TPT touchscreen. The blind may be 
set to any position by moving the slider. 
As stated above, when the shade is newly installed it must calibrate 
itself by having the shade go to a limit (set on the motor) and then 
go directly, without stopping, to the other limit. The station 

measures the time

 this travel takes and uses this time to determine 

settings between the limits. Every time the shade goes directly 
from one limit to the other limit it will 

resave the travel time


preventing errors if the shade changes speed over time or new 
fabric is installed or if the station is moved to a different shade etc.  


Shades will travel at slightly different speeds when opening vs. 
closing. This causes a normally small uncompensated error on the 
position of the shade. If precise positioning is required, such as to 
match positions of multiple adjacent shades, the ILT controller with 
ILT motors should be used instead of this shade controller. 
Reverse Shade: 
NOTE: If the shade is moving in the wrong direction due to the 
motor wires being reversed or the fabric is wound in the opposite 
direction as expected on the roller, the direction can be reversed 
by setting the Reverse Shade direction in Design Center preventing 
the need to rewind the fabric or rewire the station. 
Default Mode  
The RadioLink EasyTouch II station has a default mode that 
operates without programming or being connected to the Vantage 
System. After a power outage the loads will be off even if they 
were on before power was lost. If the station has power but 
communication with the controller is lost the station will revert to 
default operation, (i.e., toggling the load directly connected to the 
station), however the interlock switch will still respond to its 
current position, active or inactive.  At final assembly, switches 1 
through 3 control relay 1 and switches 4 and 5 control relay 2 until 
Default Button Control 

Number of Buttons 

Relay 1 

Relay 2 

Button 1 

Button 2 

Button 1 

Buttons 2 & 3 

Buttons 1 & 2 

Buttons 3 & 4 

Buttons 1, 2 & 3 

Buttons 4 & 5 

Default IR Mode 
EasyTouch II ScenePoints have a built-in IR receiver. The default IR 
mode that is active before the station is programmed or if the 
station is offline is explained below. This is also dependent on the 
status of the Interlock switch on the back of the station. When 
Vantage IR Scene Code 230 is transmitted from the Vantage IR 
Remote Control, local ScenePoint load one will toggle ON and OFF. 
When Vantage IR Scene Code 231 is transmitted from the Vantage 
IR Remote Control, local ScenePoint load two will toggle ON and 
OFF. If the station is in Interlock mode then turning either load ON 
will turn the opposite load OFF if it is already ON.


