In support of our policy of continuous product improvement we reserve the right to change materials and specifications without notice. Drawings, where used, are not to
scale. All dimensions are in millimetres and sizes given are approximate. Where possible, technical MSDS data sheets are made available on the website. All products
should be installed and used in accordance with manufacturer’s instructions provided. Warning: products may be the subject of registered designs and patents. Refer
to website for terms and conditions on warranty.
Operating Instructions
1. Install the charged battery by sliding it into the base of the tool handle until it
clicks into place. The battery should be secured and unmoveable.
2. Take a look at the operation of tool switch system.
There are 3 settings: Move to left (Forward),
Middle (Neutral), Move to right (Reverse).
When the tool is not in use or is idle,
it should rest in the central position. Now the
Picture it shows the cutter stay in Neutral.
When the switch to the right, the blade goes backward.
When the switch to the left, the blade goes forward.
Operating Instructions
1. Install the charged battery by sliding it into the base of the tool handle until it clicks
into place. The battery should be secured and unmoveable.
2. Take a look at the operation of tool switch system.
There are 3 settings: Move to left (Forward),
Middle (Neutral), Move to right (Reverse).
When the tool is not in use or is idle,
it should rest in the central position. Now the
Picture it shows the cutter stay in Neutral.
When the switch to the right, the blade goes backward.
When the switch to the left, the blade goes forward.