Depress the left treadle to close the shed.
Do this testing sequence
many times
checking that all solenoids are extend-
ing together without any delay and with a complete (100%) extension.
Not all the Software drivers and Computers have the same speed when mak-
ing the new selection (closing the shed). It is very important that you hesitate
momentarily at the fully depressed LEFT Treadle position to allow time for the
new selection to be made.
Opening the new shed QUICKLY will cause selection errors or
major JAMS.
This time delay may be ¼ second to 1 second depending of the sofware and
computer you are using.
NOTE: The time delay necessary for your computer can be determined by
listening for the click of the solenoids activating when the left Treadle is
Depress the left treadle and listen for the click. Then resume your Treadling.
Your hesitation sequence will soon be habit.
There is a short familiarization period for weavers to develop a Treadling tech-
nique for the Weavebird Loom.
Do not try to weave too fast, too soon.
Speed will come as you develop your own Treadling expertise.