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How to win the game:

1. The player who reaches the fountain first ends the game and

receives five bonus points. Each player, including the winner,
receives one point for each word used in a complete

2. The player with the most points wins the round. Play

continues until one player has accumulated 15 points or

Alternate Play

1.  For harder gameplay, place all of the parts-of-speech cards

next to the game board in one large pile.

2.  When choosing a part of speech, take a card from the large


Objetivo del juego

Identificar correctamente las diferentes partes de la oración
para poder acumular las tarjetas forma-oraciones y ser el primer
jugador en formar una oración completa y correcta.

* Nota: No se incluyen tarjetas con signos de puntuación.

Para empezar

1. Pon todas las tarjetas forma-oraciones con la cara de color

hacia arriba.

2.  Agrupa las tarjetas por color en ocho pilas a los lados del


3.  Pon ahora las tarjetas con la cara de color hacia abajo.

Distribuye las pilas alrededor del tablero para que todos los
jugadores puedan leer las palabras.

4.  Coloca las tarjetas locas en el lugar que se indica en el


5.  Cada jugador escoge su pieza para jugar, y todos las colocan

en la casilla de comienzo.

3. The pronombre (pronoun) cards will

have a pronoun on the front and the


on the back.  

4. The adjetivo (adjective) cards will have

the same word with two different
endings (for masculine or feminine and
singular or plural) on the front and the


on the back.  When you

read the sentence out loud make sure
you choose the correct adjective ending
that matches the rest of your sentence.  

The Path to the Fountain: 

1. Whenever you have a complete sentence, read it aloud. Be

sure to use the correct form of the pronouns, verbs, nouns,
and adjectives that fit your sentence.  If you are using a
tarjeta loca, say a word that is the correct part of speech to
complete your sentence.  If you are saying a verb, conjugate
it correctly.  If you are saying a noun or adjective, use proper
gender agreement (masculine or feminine word endings)
throughout the sentence.

• Everyone should listen to the sentence that is read aloud.  

• If one player does not think the sentence read aloud is

correct, then players should discuss what’s wrong and try
to fix it.

• If you read the sentences aloud and it was incorrect, fix it

on your next turn and say it aloud again. 

2. Once everyone agrees that the sentence is correct, you can

start going up one of the four paths closest to you to reach
the fountain. 

3. If you don’t have a complete sentence, continue to go

around the outside path.

4. If you roll a number that is lower than what you need to

reach the fountain, wait until your next turn to finish.

5.  You can roll a higher number than you need to reach the



