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Let’s Play! 



Choose a color egg basket. Take the matching egg catcher and egg  


Take a card and place it firmly into your egg carton.


Note: The cards are labeled and must be played in matching groups.  
Side “A” cards are easier. All players must play with the same number 
and letter side of the card facing up. For example, for game one, each 
player will use a card labeled 1A facing up in the egg carton.


Place the egg carton next to your basket.


Insert your egg catcher into the chicken coop through the square 


opening above your egg basket. Now you are ready to scramble to 


catch some eggs!



Scramble to be the first player to catch a dozen eggs that match your 
color card.

Game Play


Cluck, Cluck, Cluck…It takes skill not luck!


One player quickly pushes down on the chicken’s head to release some 
eggs. Every time the chicken’s head is pushed down she lays more eggs!


Everyone uses their egg catchers to grab the eggs and pull them into 

their baskets. 


As your egg basket fills, sort the eggs into matching color space in your 

carton. Scoop up any eggs that you can’t use and put them back into the 



At any time, any player can push the chicken’s head to have her lay more 



Be the first to fill your egg carton, cluck like a chicken, and win the 


Even if you took a lickin’, don’t be chicken, pick new cards and play 

again and again!
