2-1-3 Sweep and Trigger
Refer to Figure 2-3 for reference (24) to (42).
ATIME/DIV and To select either the calibrated
DELAY TIME sweep of the main (A) time-base
switch or the delay time range for delayed-
sweep operation.
B TIME/DIV switch To select the calibrated sweep rate of
the delayed (B) time base.
A VARIABLE/ Provides continuously variable
PULL X 10 MAG adjustment of sweep rate between steps
Control of the TIME/DIV switches. TIME/DIV
calibrations are accurate only when the
A VARIABLE control is detented in its
fully clockwise position. Pulling the
control out expands the horizontal
deflection by 10 times for X-Y
operation. The effective time-base
sweep rate is also increased by 10
times, making 2 nS per division the
highest sweep rate available.
UNCAL lamp Indicates when the VARIABLE control
is not detented as described above.
DLY TIME MULT To determine the exact starting point
control within the A time base delay range at
which the B timebase will begin
sweeping. The absolute delay time is
equal to the sweep time rate (A
TIME/DIV) multiplied by the DLY
Horizontal POSITION To adjust the horizontal position of the
control traces displayed on the CRT.
Clockwise rotation moves the trace(s)
to the right. During X-Y operation, this
control must be used for X-axis
X FINE Position To adjust the horizontal position of the
control CRT traces as described above, but has
less effect per degree of rotation. This
facilitates precise positioning when Xl0
magnification is used.
HORIZ DISPLAY To select the sweep mode.
A push-button sweeps the CRT at the
main (A) timebase rate when pressed.
INTEN BY B push-button sweeps the
CRT at the main (A) time-base rate
when pressed, and the delayed (B)
time-base intensifies a section of the
trace(s). The location of the intensified
section is determined by the DLY
MULT control, and under some
circumstances also by the START
switch (32).
B push-button sweeps the CRT at the
rate selected by the B TIMEY DIV
switch, after a delay determined by the
A TIME/DIV switch and DLY TIME
MULT control.
The trace displayed over the full CRT
graticule width corresponds to the
intensified section of trace displayed
during INTEN BY B operation.
ALT push-button alternately sweeps
the CRT at the main (A) time-base and
delayed (B) time-base rates when
pressed. This results in twice as many
traces displayed on the CRT as are dis-
played during any of the sweep modes
described above.
START switch When pressed in (TRIG'D position),
causes the B sweep to be triggered by
the first trigger pulse occurring after the
delay time set by the DLY TIME
MULT control. In this position, the
delay time is adjustable only in whole
increments of the time between trigger
When released (AFTER DELAY
position), causes the B sweep to start
immediately after the delay time set by
the DLY TIME MULT control. In this
position, the delay time is adjustable
with infinite resolution.
A/B TRACE SEP Permits adjustments of the distance
control between corresponding A and B traces
when the ALT sweep mode is selected.