Signal Delay Leading edge displayed.
Leading edge displayed. CH-1 only, CH-2 only,
CH-1 & CH-2 displayed alternately,
CH-1 & CH-2 chopped (at 250
kHz rate),
CH-1 & CH-2 added, CH-1 &
CH-2 subtracted,
CH-1 & CH-2 & CH-3 displayed
CH-1 & CH-2 & CH-3 chopped,
CH-1 & CH-2 & CH-3 & CH-1
+ CH-2 alternated,
CH-1 & CH-2 & CH-3 & CH-1
+ CH-2 chopped,
CH-1 & CH-2 & CH-3 & CH-1
- CH-2 alternated,
CH-1 & CH-2 & CH-3 & CH-1
- CH-2 chopped.
Common Mode Rejection 20dB at 20MHz
CH- 1 Output 25 mV/div into 50 ohms
Horizontal Amplifier (X-Y Mode)
Bandwidth (- 3 dB)
DC coupled DC - 3 MHz
AC coupled 10Hz - 3MHz
Rise Time 120
Phase Shift <3° at 100 kHz
Deflection Coefficients 0.5 mV/div to 5 V/div in 13 calibrated
steps, 1-2-5 sequence, continuously
variable between steps
Accuracy +-3% for 5 mV/div to 5 V/div,
+-5% for 0.5 mV/div to 2 mV/div
Input Impedance 1 megohm -+2%, 25 pF +-3 pF
Maximum Input Voltage 400 V (DC plus AC peak)
Time-Base Generators
Display Modes Main timebase (TB) only,
Main TB intensified by delayed
Delayed timebase,
Main TB alternated with
delayed TB.
Main (A) Time Base 0.02
S/div to 0.5 S/div in 23
calibrated steps, 1-2-5 sequence.
Continuously variable between steps.
Delayed (B) Time Base 0.2
S/div to 50 mS/div in 20
calibrated steps, 1-2-5 sequence.
Magnifier XI0 deflection increase at any TB
setting extends sweep speeds of main
and delayed TB's to 2
Accuracy +- 3% unmagnified
+- 5% magnified
Delay Time Continuously variable multiplier with
1000 divisions.
Delayed TB Jitter 1/20,000
Trigger Circuits
Sources CH-l, CH-2, Alternate, Line, External
Modes Auto, Normal, Single-shot
Coupling AC, DC, HF reject, TV vertical, TV
Slope + or-
Holdoff Normal, Variable (to greater than
one sweep), B ends A
Internal Trigger DC – 10 MHz: 0.4div
100 MHz: 1.5 divs
External Trigger DC - 10MHz: 100mV
10 - 100 MHz: 400mV
External Trigger Amplifier (Ch. 3)
Bandwidth (-3 dB)
DC coupled DC - 100 MHz
AC coupled 10Hz- l00 MHz
Rise Time 3.5
Deflection Coefficients 0.2 V/div and 2 V/div
Accuracy +-3%
Input Impedance 1 -2%, 30 pF
Maximum Input Voltage 400 V (DC plus AC peak)
Z-Axis Modulation
Level for Blanking Standard TTL high (+ 2 to + 5V)
Coupling DC
Maximum Input Voltage 50 Vp-p
Input Impedance 10k
Bandwidth DC-5 MHz
Output Voltage 500 m Vp-p--+ 2%, positive-going,
ground referenced
Frequency 1 kHz nominal
Waveform Fast-rise rectangular wave
CRT Display
Phosphor P31 (P39 optional)
Accelerating Potential 20 kV/2kV
Graticule Internal 1 cm square divisions, 8 div
high, 10 div wide.
Central axis subdivided into 0.2 cm
Graticule Illumination Continuously variable
Trace Adjustments on Rotation, focus, intensity,
Front Panel B intensity
Other Features
Main timebase
Other Indicators Main timebase triggered
Single-shot ready
Power on
Power Requirements
Line Voltage 100/120/200 VAC 220/240 VAC
Line Frequency 50-60 Hz
Power Consumption 55W
Physical & Environmental Data
Case Size (WxHxD) 12.3 x 5.8 x 16 inches
305 x 145 x 400 mm
Overall Size (WxHxD), 13.75 x 7.25 x 18.5 inches
handle folded back 350 x 185 x 470 mm