The system will indicate a link failure when there is a problem in the way of
communication between distributed devices. If this failure occurs, you can see which are the
equipment connected to the controller, in the window system, of the advanced options menu
(3.5.2). Restart the equipment that is down. If the problem persists, ensure that the connection
between the two is correct (4.3).
The system will indicate a system failure when a problem has occurred in the execution
of the software, or memory. If after several reboots, the problem persists, connect the
equipment to the con figuration application and restore the version of firmware. Do not forget to
restore the site data backup after restore. After this operation, the equipment should function
normally, if not, contact your support service.
LDA Audio Tech - Severo Ochoa Nº 31- 29590 MÁLAGA, ESPAÑA. Tlf: +34 952028805
User's Manual: EN 54-16 PA/VA System LDA NEO