Rev:072409 Copyright © 2009 Liquid Combustion Technology, LLC
LCT Engine Service Manual: 208cc, 291cc & 414cc 2
The first two lines of an engine’s number is the model number. It is alphanumeric and engraved on the side of the block to the right of
the recoil. The third line is alphanumeric and is also the serial number.
Serial Number Definitions:
• The engine serial number consists of 11 to 12 alphanumeric characters. (example: 08 60H 02 03611)
• First two digits = year produced
• Next two to three digits = engine horsepower
• Next two digits = month produced
• Last five digits = sequence number of engine
Definition of example: This engine is the 3611th 6HP engine produced in February of 2008
LCT Engine Model Numbering System Definition (see chart on page 3):
1. Preproduction
- This column is coded and reserved for prototype engines only.
2. Plant
- This column is coded and used for LCT internal use only.
3. Design Family
- This column is used for emissions regulations and coded for LCT internal use only.
4. Crankshaft
- This column indicated whether the PTO shaft (crankshaft) is configured in the engine horizontally or vertically.
5. Shaft
- This column is used for the description of the PTO shaft. This will aid in determining what will be the engine’s primary use.
6. Shaft Detail
- This column references a chart that designates which LCT engineering drawing corresponds to the PTO shaft.
This is for LCT internal use only.
7. Horsepower
- This column is coded to designate the engine’s power output (horsepower) with its corresponding size
(cubic centimeters).
8. Paint Code
- This column is coded to which color scheme the engine is equipped with.
9. Starter Type
- This column is coded to which type of starting system the engine is equipped with.
10. Options
- This column is coded to designate which equipment options the engine is equipped with.
11. Emissions Label
- This column is coded for the emissions standards the engine meets.
12. Pack Code
- This column is reserved for LCT Packaging Department only.
The LCT Engine Model and Serial Number Systems is subject to be changed or edited at any time
Engine Model Number & Serial Numbering System
08 60H 02 03611
engine HP
sequence number
of engine