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Installation and Owner’s Manual
(For Aftermarket Applications)
FC C C ompliance
FC C 1 5 B statement
T h is equipmen t h as b een tested an d foun d to comply w ith th e
limits for a Class B dig ital device, pursuan t to part 15 of th e
F CC Rules. T h ese limits are desig n ed to provide reason ab le
protection ag ain st h armful in terferen ce in a residen tial
in stallation . T h is equipmen t g en erates, uses an d can radiate
radio frequen cy en erg y an d, if n ot in stalled an d used in
accordan ce w ith th e in struction s, may cause h armful in terferen ce
to radio commun ication s. H ow ever, th ere is n o g uaran tee th at
in terferen ce w ill n ot occur in a particular in stallation . I f th is
equipmen t does cause h armful in terferen ce to radio or television
reception , w h ich can b e determin ed b y turn in g th e equipmen t off
an d on , th e user is en courag ed to try to correct th e in terferen ce
b y on e or more of th e follow in g measures:
• Reorien t or relocate th e receivin g an ten n a.
• I n crease th e separation b etw een th e equipmen t
an d receiver.
• Con n ect th e equipmen t in to an outlet on a circuit differen t from
th at to w h ich th e receiver is con n ected.
• Con sult th e dealer or an ex perien ced radio/T V tech n ician for h elp.
FC C P art 1 5 compliance statement
T h is device complies w ith part 15 of th e F CC Rules.
L E D S tatus C h art
L E D C olor
h at is h appening ?
h y ?
h at sh ould b e done?
B lue
S ystem is b ootin g up.
S ystem w as off.
N oth in g . T h is is n ormal.
G reen
S uccessful n etw ork con n ection .
N o previous n etw ork
con n ection .
N oth in g . T h is is n ormal.
N o service.
O ut of carrier’ s service
coverag e area.
Relocate w ith in carrier’ s coverag e area.
N o S I M card.
M issin g or damag ed S I M card.
Replace S I M card.
2G or less con n ection .
eak service area.
Relocate w ith in a stron g er service area.
I n correct A P N in formation .
A ccess P oin t N ame ( A P N ) h as
b een ch an g ed or b locke d.
Con tact T aylor M ade P roducts.
N o color
N o pow er.
H otspot n ot fully seated in its
moun tin g dock .
Remove h otspot from moun tin g dock, th en
rein sert in to dock .
M ake sure h otspot an d dock clamps are fully
en g ag ed, creatin g a g ood electrical con n ection .
M ain pow er off.
T urn main pow er on .
O b struction b etw een electrical
con tacts.
Clear an y ob struction from b etw een th e
moun tin g dock an d h otspot electrical con tacts.
O peration is sub j ect to th e follow in g tw o con dition s:
( 1) T h is device may n ot cause h armful in terferen ce, an d
( 2) th is device must accept an y in terferen ce received,
in cludin g in terferen ce th at may cause un desired operation .
IC U ser manual notice
T h is device con tain s licen se-ex empt tran smitter( s) /receiver( s)
th at comply w ith I n n ovation , S cien ce an d E con omic
Developmen t Can ada’ s licen se-ex empt RS S ( s) . O peration is
sub j ect to th e follow in g tw o con dition s:
• T h is device may n ot cause in terferen ce.
• T h is device must accept an y in terferen ce, in cludin g
in terferen ce th at may cause un desired operation
of th e device.
N on- modification W
A n y ch an g es or modification s to th is device n ot ex pressly
approved b y th e party respon sib le for complian ce could void th e
user’ s auth ority to operate th is equipmen t.
R F E x posure S tatement
T h is equipmen t complies w ith F CC/I C radiation ex posure
limits set forth for an un con trolled en viron men t an d meets
th e F CC radio frequen cy ( RF ) E x posure G uidelin es an d
RS S -102 of th e I C radio frequen cy ( RF ) E x posure rules.
T h is equipmen t sh ould b e in stalled an d operated k eepin g
th e radiator at least 30cm or more aw ay from person ’ s b ody.