4. The assembled product can be hung on the wall. Please do not pinch the
screen directly to prevent the screen from being broken
Solid blue light indicates power is on and the monitor is opera�ng normally.
Flashing blue light indicates no video source, no horizontal or ver�cal signal
has been detected or power is low. Please ensure your computer is on and all
video cables are fully inserted and / or connected.
lndicator Light
8. lndicator Light
Wall bracket
Wall adapter
The feature itself is off by default. In order to use this feature, please note you
must have hardware with FreeSync capability, an DP cable, and the latest graphic
drivers. To use this feature, connect your computer and monitor with a DP cable.
A�er connec�ng, you may receive a prompt to enable the feature on your
computer. If you do not receive the prompt, you may need to enable the func�on
in your graphics card menu. See your graphics card manufacturer's documenta�on
for instruc�ons on how to turn on or enable FreeSync.