8. lndicator Light and Light Senor
Indicator Light
Solid blue light indicates power is on and the monitor is
opera�ng normally. Flashing blue light indicates no video source, no
horizontal/ver�cal signal has been detected or voltage is low. Please ensure
your computer is on and all video cables are fully connected.
Light Senor
: When the light sensor is turned on, the screen brightness
changes with the ambient light, and the brighter the ambient light, the
brighter the screen. When the light sensor is turned off, return to the user's
original brightness se�ng
Indicator Light
Light Senor
This feature is off by default. To ac�vate, you must have hardware with
Adap�ve-Sync capability, a DP or HDMI cable, and the latest graphic drivers.
A�er connec�ng your computer and monitor with a DP or HDMI cable, you
may receive a prompt to enable the feature on your computer. If you do not,
you may need to enable the func�on in your graphics card menu. See your
graphics card manufacturer’s documenta�on for instruc�ons.
7. Basic Opera�on
Plug one end of the DisplayPort (DP) cable into the graphics card of the
PC. For convenience, a DP cable and an HDMI cable are included. You can
also use an HDMI cable.
Connect the other end of the cable to the corresponding connector on
your monitor.
HDMI 2.0 Ports
DP 1.4 Ports
Type-C Port
USB Ports
Connect the power cable to your monitor then connect the other end to
your power source. It is recommended that you use a surge protector with
adequate voltage if a wall outlet cannot be reached directly.
Locate the power bu�on on the monitor and press it to turn the monitor