Identify safety measures to protect the operator that are
based on an estimation of exposure in the actual conditions
of use (taking account of all parts of the operating cycle such
as the times when the tool is switched off and when it is
running idle in addition to the trigger time). Note: The use of
other tools will reduce the users' total working period on this
Prolonged use of a power tool exposing the operator to
vibrations may produce whitefinger risks or carpal tunnel
syndrome, the symptoms of which include tingling and
burning sensations followed by loss of color and numbness
in the fingers. All factors which contribute to whitefinger
disease are not known, but cold weather, smoking diseases
or physical conditions as well as long periods of exposure
to vibration are mentioned as factors. In order to reduce the
whitefinger risks and carpal tunnel syndrone, please note
the following:
Wear gloves and keep your hands warm.
Take more than 5 minutes of break in a warm place
Maintain a firm grip at all times, but do not squeeze the
■ The tool is being used as intended by its design and these
This tool may cause hand-arm vibration syndrome if its
use is not adequately managed.