The display located on the control panel (Photo 7)
also has the function of showing any active alarms
on the machine concerning to the control board
operation; in case of alarm will be shown the code
and a brief description of the error.
Here below is the list of error messages with the
corresponding diagnostic:
Alarm # id
1. Traction motor shutdown Amperometric protection
traction motor
Check usage mode of the traction function. High working
current has been detected by the traction motor.
2. Brushes motor shutdown Amperometric protection
Brushes motor
Check usage mode of the brushes function. Detected ele-
vated work current by the brushes motor.
3. Suction motor shutdown Amperometric protection
suction motor
Check vacuum motor absorption. Detected elevated
work current by the suction motor.
4. Traction motor I
t trig-
Amperometric protection
traction motor
Check usage mode of the traction function. High working
current has been detected by the traction motor.
5. Brushes motor I
t trig-
Amperometric protection
Brushes motor
Check usage mode of the brushes function. Detected ele-
vated work current by the brushes motor.
6. Suction motor I
t trig-
Amperometric protection
suction motor
Check vacuum motor absorption. Detected elevated
work current by the suction motor.
7. Brushes motor switch off
for run down battery
Low voltage
Low voltage detected on function board (<90%).
Check batteries and batteries connections.
8. Suction motor switch off
for run down battery
Low voltage
Low voltage detected on function board (<80%).
Check batteries and batteries connections.
9. Machine stop for run
down battery
Low voltage
Low voltage detected on function board. Check batte-
ries and batteries connections.
10. Machine stop for over
charged battery
Overvoltage detected on function board. Check batte-
ries and batteries connections.
11. Board temperature too
high (traction stopped)
Control board overheating
(traction stopped)
check brush motor/traction motor absorption
13. Board temperature too
high (traction lowered to
high temperature detect
on control board (traction
lowered to 50%)
check brush motor/traction motor absorption
14. Floating switch error
Stop signal from floating
To empty recovery tank
15. Start error (key switch
on with operator presence
User lever pressed before
control board check
Reboot scrubber drier (do not press user lever before
control board check)
16. Solid board in standby
Control board freeze status
for excessive stand-by
Reboot scrubber drier
18. CanBUS communica-
tion interrupted
Lack of communica- tion
Check connections between the function board and da-
27. Traction motor discon-
No traction motor signal
Check connections and traction motor status.
28. Battery overcurrent
Overvoltage detected on function board. Check batte-
ries and batteries connections.
29. Low battery current
Low voltage
Low voltage detected on function board. Check batte-
ries and batteries connections.
Summary of Contents for NEXT EVO
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