194 Power temperatures
195 ECC on the Fly count
197 Current Pending Sector Count
198 Disconnection beyond repair
199 CRC cyclic redundancy check
200 Write Error Count
Note: Different manufacturers and different models have different attribute descriptions. The
user does not need to know the exact meanings, and attribute detection values are good enough.
3 Threshold
This is specified by a manufacturer-calculated formula. If there is an attribute value lower than the
threshold, this means the HDD has become unreliable and could easily lose data stored on it. The
composition and size of reliable attribute values are different for different HDDs. It should be noted
that the ATA standard only provides some S.M.A.R.T. parameters; it does not provide specific
values. A "Threshold" value is determined by the manufacturer based on the product
’s features.
Thus, results produced by the manufacturer
’s detection software are very different from testing
software in Windows (such as AIDA32).
4 Attribute Value
Attribute value is the maximum normal value; the general range is from 1 to 253. Typically, the
maximum attribute value is 100 (for IBM, Quantum, and Fujitsu) or 253 (for Samsung). Of course,
there are some exceptions, for example, some models produced by Western Digital have two
different attribute values, and the property value is set to 200 during production, but after that it is
changed to 100.
5 Worst
The worst value is the largest non-normal value in the normal operation of an HDD. It is a value
calculated for an
HDD’s cumulative running. It is constantly refreshed according to the drive’s
running cycle, and it is very close to the threshold. Whether or not the HDD is normal by S.M.A.R.T
analysis is based on the comparison with the threshold value. The maximum value appears when
using a new HDD, which continues to decrease with everyday use or if an error happens.
Consequently, larger attribute values mean better quality and higher reliability and smaller values
mean a greater possibility of failure.
6 Dates
Actual values of an
HDD’s detection of items; many of the values are cumulative values.
7 Status
The drive Status is current when all of the
HDD’s attributes are analyzed and compared by the
S.M.A.R.T. system. It is also important information to judge if the HDD is healthy or not.
There are three Status states: Normal, Alarm and Error, which are closely related to the
Pre-failure/advisory BIT.