1.1. Structure of the manual
Before any operation is carried out on the machine,the
maintenance technician must carefully read the instruc-
tions contained in this publication. The undertaking of
any operation on the machine, without having read and
understood the contents of this manual is prohibited. If
there is any doubt about the correct interpretation of the
instructions, contact lavazza in order to obtain the ne-
cessary clarification.
1.1.1. Scope and content
This manual contains all the information necessary for
the maintenance of the machine, safety instructions,
troubleshooting and diagrams.
all reproduction rights for the present manual are reser-
ved to luigi lavazza S.p.a. The reproduction, even par-
tial, of text or images is forbidden. Information contained
here cannot be transmitted to any third parties without
the prior written permission of lavazza, which has the
exclusive rights to the property.
lavazza reserves the right to modify features of equip-
ments presented in this publication without prior notice;
it also declines any responsibilities for possible inaccu-
rancies due to misprint.
It is recommended that the Internet site of the lavazza
Technical Service be checked (at the following address
http://ts.inlavazza.it) to ensure that your manual is the
most recent version available and otherwise to download
an updated copy.
1.1.2. Messages used
ATTENTION messages indicate a danger, possibly
lethal, for the technician. The operations described
after this message must be carried out carefully and
safely using the personal protective equipment.
WARNING messages are displayed before procedu-
res that, if not observed, could cause damage to the
ENVIRONMENT messages are displayed before pro-
cedures that, if not observed, could cause damage
to the environment.
Messages show further information useful for the
maintenance technician.
1.1.3. Users
This manual is designed for technicians qualified to
maintain the machine. lavazza is not responsible for
damage derived from the failure to follow these rules.
1.1.4. Preservation
In order to be able to guarantee the integrity and utility of
this manual the following guidelines should be observed:
- employ this manual in such a way that it remains un-
damaged and whole;
- do not for any reason, remove, tear, or write over any
part of the manual;
- keep the manual in an area protected from humidity
and heat, in such a way that the quality and legibility of
the publication are not compromised;
- keep the manual close at hand for maintenance staff.
If this manual is damaged or lost, it is possible to
download another copy from the Lavazza Technical
Service site at the following address: http://ts.inla-
1.2. Designated personnel
The machine may be operated only by a qualified te-
chnician who has read this manual and moreover who:
- has specific experience in the maintenance of profes-
sional coffee machines;
- is able to carry out repairs in case of serious malfun-
ction of the machine / machines shown in this manual;
- is able to understand the technical contents of the ma-
nual and to correctly interpret drawings and diagrams
and has knowledge of the safety information described
- has knowledge of the appropriate hygiene, workplace
safety, technology and security measures;
- knows how to act in an emergency, where to find the
personal protective equipment and knows how to use it.
Maintenance manual for technical assistance
Manual code 10066846 / Rel. 0.00 / March 2012