If one of the two doses has been selected, the machine will deliver the drink and it will
stop automatically.
Anyway it is possible to stop the delivery of the drink in advance by pushing the stop button.
If the free dose has been selected the machine will deliver according to the users’s needs.
When the quantity wanted has been reached, just push the stop button to stop the machine.
An automatic timer will interrupt the delivery after two minutes.
During the delivery of the drinks never open the lever of the slot to insert the pod.
The flashing “Water level” light indicates a lack of water in the tank: the beverage being
issued will be completed but the machine will not issue further beverages until normal
working conditions are restored.
If the red line starts flashing, switch off the machine and contact specialist staff for repairs.
The machine cannot deliver when the red line is blinking.
Maacchhiinnee w
wiitthh ttoottaalliizzeerr//pprreeppaaiidd uunniitt
The “Espresso Point” machine can be fitted with a totalizer (with a coin-box) or a prepaid
unit (using a countdown card).
With this machine it is necessary to insert some coins or the apposite magnetic card to
make it work. The instruction will be:
1st way
• Insert coins in the coin box. The dose buttons will be off.
• Insert the pod and close the lever. The dose buttons will light up according to the
pieces of coins inserted.
• Select the dose you want among those ones on.
2nd way
• Insert the pod and close the lever. The dose buttons will light up immediately but
nothing has been selected yet.
• Insert the coins. According to the amount of money inserted the dose button not
selected for the working will be off.
• Select the dose you want among those ones on.
Unnddeerr N
O cciirrccuum
mssttaanncceess aarree yyoouu ttoo uussee yyoouurr
ffiinnggeerr ttoo ppuusshh tthhee ppoodd iinnttoo tthhee rreecceessss..
Summary of Contents for Espresso Point EP2302
Page 12: ...10 Note ...
Page 22: ...20 Notes ...
Page 32: ...30 Notes ...
Page 42: ...40 Anmerkungen ...
Page 52: ...50 Notas ...
Page 53: ...51 Notas ...
Page 54: ...52 Notas ...
Page 55: ...LUIGI LAVAZZA SPA Corso Novara 59 10154 TORINO ITALY ...