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© Systeme Lauer GmbH
AEG250PX-Expander driver
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You can dynamically change the amount of transferred data with your pro-
grammable controller program.
If for instance, you want to realize a jog operation, go ahead as follows: disable
all functions as described above. Select jog operation text without variables.
After termination of the jog operation, the transfer functions are enabled again.
To relieve your programmable controller program, you can use the soft key
functions for switching idle texts, menus, etc.. You can always disable this option
by redefining the soft key bar using the programmable controller program.
To 2.
PCSPRO program optimizations with the PCS 009/ 090/ 095/ 900/ 920/ 950:
Display as few variables as possible on the shown display page because the
amount of transferred data increases with the number of the variables.
It is advantage to make sure that the variables are consecutively arranged if
several of them should be shown on the same display page. Then, several va-
riables can be sent in a write or read order and the communication rate
For instance, if the first variable in the display is located on DW50, then further
variables should be located on data words 51,52,53.., etc..
To 2.
PCSPRO program optimizations with the PCS maxi 9000/ 9100:
Generally, the same principles are valid as for the PCS micro/mini/midi. In ad-
dition, you should take note however, that each open window generates its
own self-contained orders. The communication is slowed down if, e.g. varia-
bles in the status window are constantly shown.