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© Systeme Lauer GmbH
AEG250PX-Expander driver
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Description of the AEG250PX Expander driver for the PCS 900/PCS 950/
PCS 950c/PCS 9000 operating consoles. For the communication with an
Required devices and accessories:
The following products are required to operate a programmable controller with an
already parameterized PCS (System Lauer company):
1. The PCS operating console itself (already parameterized).
2. The PCS 778 adapter cable for the PCS - programmable controller connection
via RS-232C.
3. This manual.
4. Floppy disk and PCSPRO manual with AEG250PX driver (for the PCS side).
5. AEG master floppy disk with AEG250PX handling software for the A250.
Furthermore are necessary (AEG company):
6. An A250 controller.
7. DOLOG programming software.
8. An AEG adapter cable for the programming of the programmable controller.
.... as well as the power supplies for all components.