LAUDA Ultra-Thermostats
UB 20(-D), UB 25, UB 50, UB 30, UB 40
UB 20 F, UB 20 J, UB 30 J, UB 40 J, UB 65 J
UB 20 JL, UB 30 JL, UB 40 JL
YATE0013 /10.04.02
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General construction and technical description
Operating principle and type characteristics
A special feature of all LAUDA Ultra-Heating Thermostats is the separation of the
thermostat with bath, pump and all functional elements in contact with the bath liquid
from the control unit R 400 P which also contains the whole electronics. The connection
is done through two separated cables for mains voltage and low-voltage.
Type characteristics
UB 20, UB 25, UB 50, UB 30 and UB 40: rectangular bath/circulation thermostats of
different dimensions and volumes. UB 20 alternatively with Simplex or Duplex pumps
(UB 20-D).
UB 20 F: for testing and calibrating clinical thermometers and their capillaries. One of
the remarkable features of this unit is the very low limitation of the working temperature
range which enables the typical temperatures between 37°C and 42°C without cooling
and with a very high temperature accuracy. The heater and pump capacities are brought
into line correspondingly.
Apart from that like UB 20 J
UB 20 J, UB 30 J, UB 40 J and UB 65 J: All models are equipped with a cylindric
operating chamber which is adjustable approx. 20 mm in height. By this facility the bath
surface can be adjusted so that it can even be above the cover plate. Thus fully
immersed thermometers can be read directly at the immersion place. Additionally the
seperate operating chamber offers a constant immersion depth independent of the
volume expansion of the bath liquid and a very good temperature accuracy and
temperature distribution. All units are also provided with pump outlets for connecting up
closed external thermostating systems.
UB 20 JL, UB 30 JL, UB 40 JLThese models are equipped with polyurethane foam.
Thereby the temperature range is specified from -40 to 200 °C.
Type UB 65 J is equipped with two circulation pumps because of the great liquid