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Step #1.

 Remove your adapters 

from the box and check to be 

sure all parts are included. Upon 

removal from the box, you’ll notice 

the adapter set is fully assembled 

and ready to go.


Step #2. 

Check your LCA finger 

block screws to be sure they’re 

tight, then read all warnings and 

cautions before using your Ultra 

Lock Adapter set to avoid injuries 

or damage to your bow. 

Step #3. 

Take the right bracket of 

your ULA set and attach it onto the 

LCA finger block. 

(as shown in steps A,B,C). 

Step #4. 

Take the left bracket of 

your ULA set and attach it onto the 

opposite LCA finger block. Be sure 

that the brackets seat firmly onto 

the LCA block pin (C). 

WARNING: Spring Steel is Sharp, Use Caution.





The ULA is equipped with a compression spring to keep all the 

parts tight and solidly in place for ease in use (D).
