- 15 -
Elementy systemu domofonowego
be made. If one tries to use the lock code assigned to this number the code will
not be accepted.
P-6 Cancellation of incorrect codes.
When errors have been made during programming, making impossible further works,
the predefined code table and default parameters can be restored.
To return to the default values, switch the power supply on and touch fields C and
when 1 is displayed. Then keep fields C and touched until counting is ended.
The display should show numbers changing quickly from 1 to 255. This indicates
that the predefined code table and parameters are being written to the working
memory. To prevent incidental call for this program, it can be disabled using
procedure 6.
This procedure does not restore the changed uniphone number.
We recommend to disable the code table writing to the memory when putting the
system into operation.
P-7 Setting wireman's personel code.
The wireman's code - additional four digits after the common code - is used when
accessing the installation procedures. The code is initially factory set as a number
from the code table. Procedure 7 can be used to change the factory - set code to
the wireman - set code which may be treated as his personal key enabling access
to the system programming. It should be remembered that when the wireman's
code has been changed the next call for the installation programs will be possible
after correct input of a new code. To set the code, key-in four digits successively.
Wait for the code digit is indicated by a number of position (from 1 to 4) displayed
at the display left side and horizontal dash at the dispaly centre. The entered digit
is displayed at the right side and then, after approx. 1 .5 s, a number of the next
position is displayed, etc. When all four digits are entered sound signal is produced
to indicate completion of the code entry. After change of number the system switches
over to procedure for setting flat codes.
The next digits of new wiremans code