LaserPoint s.r.l.
Cronos Instruction Manual
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5-Measurement Cycle
Check the laser shutter is closed and the laser is on; align the
probe to the laser beam path and start the measurement cycle
by opening the laser shutter. The measurement starts
automatically and the measurement time is shown by a count
down displayed on the LCD starting by “
Run 8
” down to “
Run 0
”. This step takes
approximately 8 seconds . During the acquisition time the LED blinks green. The
bar graph indicates the head temperature on an arbitrary scale.
Avoid measurements while the laser is warming up or when it shows instabilities on
a few seconds period, as they can be meaningless or misreading.
Always keep the instrument steady and the beam well centred, in particular on
conical probes; do not move it during the readings to avoid measurement errors.
6-Measurement Display
As soon as the measurement is over the LED turns into
steady red. Remove the probe from the laser beam: the
display shows the actual power, and the remaining thermal
capacity. If the bar graph is below full scale, one or more
measurements can be carried out before the sensor head needs to be cooled.
The following measurement can be executed after the LED automatic shuts off and
this takes between 10 and 20 sec depending on probe model. To perform a new
measurement go back to Paragraph 4.
7-Cooling the Head
Should the probe reach its limit temperature, the LCD
shows “
” and the LED blinks red. Put the
absorber head (
only the head !)
into water to cool it
When the temperature falls below its maximum allowable limit, the LCD displays
the last measured value and when the bar graph shows few bars, accurately dry the
absorber by dry and clean air; the probe is ready for new measurements.
8-Auto Off /Battery Warning
As the battery pack is about getting exhausted, a battery
symbol pops up on the LCD: it warns you have approx. 10
hours of residual power.