DVBT-C30 User Manual
preparInG The BaTTery paCk for uSe
The battery pack allows the TV to be used with out the
AC adaptor
Make sure that the batteries used in the pack are fully
charged and are in good condition.
Rechargeable batteries can be used but not charged in
this pack.
aTTaChInG The BaTTery paCk
Fit 4 X AA Size batteries to the pack as shown.
Match the batteries to the images in the pack.
Locate the top of the battery pack and hold
Position the pack on the back of the DVT.
Push the battery pack downwards until the
pack locks in place.
Makes sure the pack is locked in place before
using the DVT.
To remove the battery pack from the DVT, locate the locking tab at the top of the
pack and press in. Push the pack upwards until tabs are clear of the DVT.