DT-203P, DT-105P and DT-110P display series
- 16 bits binary plus sign. It changes a value from 0 to FFFF (Hexadecimal) into a decimal (5
digits plus sign). It takes 6 characters. Two consecutive operations are needed to send it. The 8 high
bits with the sign must be sent and then the 8 low bits with the sign.
To send the 8 high bits:
Set SR, CT1=1 (Activated)
CT2, SM=0 (Deactivated)
D0-D7= 8 high bits.
D8= 0 (Positive sign) =1 (Negative sign)
SV=1 Pulse activated >=10 mseg.
To send the 8 low bits:
Set SR, CT1, CT2=1 (Activated)
SM=0 (Deactivated)
D0-D7= 8 low bits.
D8= 0
SV=1 Pulse activated >=10 mseg.