2. Define the Profinet network between displays and PL
Connect the displays to the PLC, joining with the Ethernet cable connection, the PLC port
with the display ports.
Select each of the modules of the visualizations included in the project, and assign them
the IP (1), which they will have in the Profinet network. By
on a certain viewer,
the device view will be accessed.
3. Assign the I/P address space of the displays
In the device view, validate that the name of the tag (1), corresponds to the "DeviceName"
assigned to the device (TIA Portal, to avoid duplication of names, add the suffix _1,2,.. n. If
necessary, correct the name to match that of the device.)
Fig. 9 Define the connection of the displays with the PLC
Fig. 10 Assign the I/O address range of devices