Larson Electronics, LLC
Phone: (800) 369-6671
Fax: (903) 498-3364
6-2 No oil to the carburetor
1, Press the start button, at the same time gently continuously press the oil bubble, the machine can be started.
2, If step 1 is not successful, screw off the bolt of oil / gas m
xing ratio of
gear 1 and 2, clean the bottom of the oil/gas mixing ratio hole with
carburetor cleaning agent. Cleaning 5-6 times is enough. After
cleaning the screw, tighten the screw, which means rotate it two and a
half rounds counterclockwise. (Note: do not tighten too much to break it)
6-3, Machine sound and spraying mist not stable.
When the mist or smoke is not stable, please adjust the oil/ gas mixing
ratio screw of carburetor counterclockwise, to regulate it and make it
6-4 Mist or smoke too small or no mist
1 , Check the solution tank cover is tightened and the sealing ring
inside the cover does not fall oft.
2, Check the check valve of the solution tank
gas Inlet is not damaged. (Note: do not install it in wrong
way. the principle is: the gas goes into the solution tank
from the machine and not return back.)
3, Check if the pipeline and the solution inlet screw is
Note: if you have any other questions, please
contact the manufacturer