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Larson Electronics, LLC


Phone: (877) 348-9680

 Fax: (903) 498-3364 





Permanently Mounting


When drilling holes, check the area you are drilling into to ensure that you do not 

damage vehicle components while drilling. All drilled holes should be deburred, and all sharp edges should be 

smoothed. All wire routings going through drilled holes should be protected by a grommet or convolute/split 
loom tubing.

To permanently mount the search light:


Scribe the locations of the three mounting holes on the mounting surface using the desired mounting holes in the

flange or base as a guide. There are two sets of evenly spaced holes 120° apart on the bottom of the search light

itself. Holes for the #8 self-tapping screws are on a 2.75-inch diameter (where the lines intersect the inner circle in

Figure 3). The holes for the #10 self-tapping screws are on a 4-inch diameter (where the lines intersect the middle

circle in Figure 3). The 4-inch pattern is the preferred pattern for permanent mounting. If one of the optional

mounting flanges is to be used, three #10 screws are on a 6.00-inch circle (where the lines intersect the outer circle

in Figure 3).


Drill three 0.177-inch diameter holes for the #8 screws, or three 0.201-inch diameter holes for the #10 screws.


Scribe a hole for the wires or an installer-supplied bushing at the center of the screw pattern.


Drill a suitably sized hole at the scribed position for the bushing and wire routing hole. Otherwise, route the wires

through the drain notch in the optional mounting flange. Leave open space for water to drain.


Align the search light over the drilled holes. Route the wires through the wire routing hole. Seal the hole with a

bushing or RTV if entering a watertight compartment.


Secure the base to the mounting surface with the selected panhead screws.

Figure 4


 Exploded view of installation

Figure 3


 Drilling (Not to scale)

Cigarette Plug models:

Some models will include a cigarette plug with integral fuse and power switch. The switch may be used to remove power 

from the light. If direct connection to the power source (not using the cigar lighter plug) is desired, a user-supplied inline 

fuse holder and five-amp fuse must be installed in the power cord’s ribbed (positive) lead. 

For 24v models:

24v models will have a small transformer included, that must be installed inline between the light and power source, to 

allow the light to be hooked up to 24v power supply. Rather than wiring the light to the power source, simply wire the input 

side of the transformer to the power source instead, then wire the light to the output side of the transformer. 

