Larson Electronics LLC [email protected]
9419 E US HWY 175, Kemp, TX 75143 - P: (800) 369-6671 - F: (903) 498-3364
Please refer to “Overcharge Notice” section, if light fails to ignite after a full recharge.
The flashlight is modular in design. Replacement of the lithium battery module is as follows:
To remove the battery: Turn off the power and carefully rotate the battery counter
clockwise away from the ballast housing.
To replace the battery: Carefully line up the battery with the ballast and rotate the
battery clockwise on to the ballast housing, be careful not to cross thread. Tighten
DO NOT FORCE OR OVER TIGHTEN as damage will occur and you will void your warranty.
While replacing the battery, please make sure that your flashlight is in the “OFF”
position; otherwise damage can result to the lithium battery, electronic ballast and
electrical connection between ballast and lamp
Before replacing lamp, make sure the light is “OFF” for a minimum of 10
minutes or longer to ensure any stored power has dissipated, to avoid electric shock from
stored energy in the ballast, and temperature of lens has cooled enough to avoid being burned
from high temperature.
The lens cap has a “fine thread”. Grasp the lamp-head-housing (serrated edge behind lens
protector), with one and while grasping the lens cap in the other, rotate the lens cap counter
clockwise to access the lamp.
While removing the lens cap, be careful not to drop lens, spacer and lamp to avoid damage.
While installing the lamp module, inspect the rubber O-rings for chaffing or breakage, Replace if
signs of wear. There is a plastic spacer between the lens and the outer reflector. The flat side
faces the lens and the slotted side faces the reflector. Check the rubber seal under the clear
lens for wear or breakage, replace if signs of wear. A dab of silicon lubricant or low mineral
petroleum jelly should be used on the threads of the light head before replacing the lens cap.
Be careful not to cross thread and DO NOT FORCE, or you will void your warranty and your light
will be rendered inoperative.
A safety circuit is incorporated into the battery to protect from over-charging and rapid
discharging of the Lithium Ion battery. In the event of a rapid discharge, due to short circuiting
the battery or an over charge condition, the internal circuit will trip and render the battery