4. Use
▲ ▼
key and place cursor (Yellow
bar) on Band and press ENTER key as
picture below.
5. Each time you press ENTER key, Band
changes as below.
U.S.A / 100KHz--> Europe / 50KHz-->
O . I . R . T / 5 0 K H z - - > A s i a / 5 0 K H z - - >
Australia / 100KHz -->
S.America/ 100KHz--> China / 50KHz-->
Japan/ 100KHz --> Korea/100KHz
* When no key is pressed for 5 seconds,
the menu will disappear.
6. Press ENTER key at least for 2 seconds
o n c u r r e n t s c r e e n t o r e t u r n t o t h e
previous screen. Press Menu key about
1 second to turn MENU off directly
1. P r e s s M E N U k e y u n t i l t h e m o n i t o r
displays following picture.
The monitor displays following picture.
5. E a c h t i m e y o u p r e s s E N T E R k e y ,
Field/Standard should be changed
at the same time as below.
U.S.A / M-->CCIR1/ BG-->CCIR2 / BG -->
* When no key is pressed for 5 seconds,
the menu will disappear.
6. Press ENTER key at least for 2 seconds
o n c u r r e n t s c r e e n t o r e t u r n t o t h e
previous screen. Press Menu key about
1 second to turn MENU off directly.
1. Press MENU key and selet Pre Adjust
until the monitor displays following
2. Use
▲ ▼
Key and place cursor (Yellow
Bar) on Adjust and press ENTER key.
3. Use
▲ ▼
key and place cursor (Yellow
bar) on Radio and press ENTER key as
picture below.