2: Configuration Using Telnet or a Serial Port
XPort Pro™ Command Reference
boot processes has been temporarily halted. To complete the boot process, terminate the
serial CLI session (with the exit command),
To configure the Lantronix device server locally using a serial port, connect a terminal or
a PC running a terminal emulation program to one of the device server's serial ports.
Configure the terminal for 9600 baud, 8-bit, no parity, 1 stop bit, and no flow control.
1. Power off the device.
2. Press and hold down the exclamation point (!) key.
3. Power on the device.
4. When an exclamation point appears on the terminal or PC screen, type xyz within 5
seconds to display the CLI prompt.
Navigating the Command Line Interface
The CLI is organized into a hierarchy of levels. When you start a command line session,
you are in the login level. Commands at the login level of the CLI do not affect current
configuration settings. These commands provide diagnostic and status information only.
To configure the device server running on Evolution, you must be in the enable level or
any of its sub-levels. The level structure is depicted in the following figure: