Get the speed, security and
capabilities you need to drive
productivity in your organization.
LD040B/LD040 & LD050B/LD050
Scanning: the new standard
of convenience
A variety of sophisticated yet user-friendly scan
functions makes document distribution cost-free
and convenient.
• Eliminate postage and overnight delivery costs via Scan-to-Email
with the color/black & white scanning capabilities of the LD040/
LD050 and the black & white scanning capabilities of the LD040B/
LD050B. Plus, access your company’s LDAP Directory to maximize
the use of existing company information and ensure accuracy.
• Maintain the image quality of PDFs while reducing their file size
using the High Compression PDF function.
• Save physical space and time when you convert paper copies to
electronic files and store them in a network folder with Scan-to-
Folder—you no longer have to detach documents and save them
electronically. Not only will you be able to easily find and retrieve
files, but designated users on your LAN or WAN can access, review
and update the files as well.
• Ensure that you’ve captured documents accurately using the
Thumbnail View.
• Reduce the burden to network traffic and transmit more efficiently
with Scan-to-URL, which stores the document on the Hard Disk
Drive of the device. Recipients can then view and download the
files from any Web browser.
The large, 8.5-inch color touch panel lets you
choose from normal or simplified display for
maximum visibility and easier operation.