Diagnostic Errors
Configuration Error
Self Check
A/D not ready
UART transmit not ready
RAM Error
Memory copy with invalid destination
Nonvolatile Memory Error
Nonvolatile read error
Nonvolatile write error
Measurement Error
MMI overrun
Bad checksum
Voltage overrun
Diagnostic Error Mapping
The number of each diagnostic sub-error (Sub-error example: Measurement Error/MMI overrun) occurrences is
accumulated and compared to a counter limit which, when met or exceeded, results in the error being displayed
if it is not masked.
Diagnostics Error Display, Power Outage Counter, and User Access
All diagnostic errors are displayed by means of a single six-digit diagnostic status word. The user has the ability
to mask each individual diagnostic error from being displayed (i.e. – a masked diagnostic error will always be
displayed as ‘false’).
The user has the ability to read a power outage counter. The power outage counter resets following a billing data
reset/preset command