AdjuStAblE StrIdE lEngth SyStEM
The Adjustable Stride Length System allows you to vary your stride length from 17-23 inches.
MAnuAl Control
The user controls all aspects of the elliptical during workout.
The Isokinetic Mode is used to help measure patient improvement. In this mode, a therapist sets
a target pedal speed in revolutions per minute (RPM). The elliptical trainer will automatically
increase or decrease effort level in order to hold the user at this target speed. By monitoring the
WATTS display, the patient and therapist can determine how much effort is being exerted at the
target RPM. In clinical settings, a therapist will normally set a target RPM and ask the patient to
do their best to maintain a certain wattage during their workout. As the patient’s mobility
progresses, high wattages at the same target RPM will be achievable.
hEArt rAtE MonItorIng (ContACt / WIrElESS)
The software for the RET panel will not automatically display your heart rate when grabbing the
contact grips. The user either has to view the Pulse screen by pressing the DISPLAY button or be
scanning through all of the displays in order to see their pulse. The Panel will keep displaying the
same statistics until the user changes what the display will show.
Another heart rate monitoring option is the wireless chest strap. Wearing the chest strap allows
the elliptical to receive and display your heart rate wirelessly (see Heart Rate Monitors).
EnglISh/MEtrIC ModE
With the elliptical turned off: While pressing EFFORT “-” and RPM, press START. Repeat the
same steps to switch back to Metric mode.