Section 4: Operating Procedures
TB2596 & TB25108 Trip Blade 301-291M
Adjust bottom of the skid shoes to be about 1/2"
below the blade cutting edge when on soft surfaces
such as gravel or dirt and even with the bottom
cutting edge when on hard surfaces such as asphalt
or concrete.
Unlock pivot assembly with pivot control pin (#1).
See “Pivot Lock” instructions on page 14.
Set tractor/skid steer lift arms to float so that the skid
shoes and blade can follow the contour of the
Set blade angle straight if pushing snow into a pile.
Set blade angle to the left or right if moving snow to
one side.
Lower blade down and drive forward. When at the
end of travel, raise blade up and back tractor/skid
steer up to get a new load of snow.
Straight Blade: Push snow up into piles by setting
the blade straight and pushing the snow towards the
pile. Raise the blade up slowly while pushing the
snow onto the pile to make the pile higher and
Angling the Blade: Clear large lots of snow by
setting the blade at an angle and making a single
path through the lot. Then make successive passes
pushing the snow to the outer edges of the lot.
Unmanageable Snow: Remove snow before it
accumulates too deep or becomes too wet. Wet
snow weighs around 12 lbs per cubic ft., and will
add several tons of weight to push. Deep snow is
heavy and unmanageable to move; both cost time
and wear on equipment.
Raise blade up to shear off the top 6" layer. Lower
blade 6" to clear off another layer. Continue
lowering blade until a working area is cleared. Then
work small areas making multiple passes pushing
snow to the outer edges. Use the following as a
guide line:
6" Snow:
Use full blade width to push snow.
9" Snow:
Use 3/4 blade width to push snow.
12" Snow: Use 1/2 blade width to push snow.
Pushing Light Aggregate Materials
The Trip Edge Blade is also designed to push light
aggregate materials such as pea gravel, light dirt work,
and live stock feed such as shelled or ground corn and
silage. Its trip-edge design provides improved protection
against blade damage when unexpected ground
obstacles are encountered.
Unhooking the Blade
Refer to Figure 4-3:
Park tractor/skid steer with Trip Edge Blade on a flat
level solid surface.
Orient blade straight across and lock pivot assembly
to prevent sudden shifting of unit while working on or
around it. See “Pivot Lock” instructions on page 14.
Lower Trip Blade onto the surface. Place
transmission in park and set park brake.
Shut power equipment off, remove switch key, relieve
hydraulic pressure and wait for all moving parts to
come to a complete stop before dismounting.
Uncouple hydraulic hose fittings (#1 & #2) from the
tractor/skid steer. Store hose ends on the Trip Blade.
Pull lock handles up to remove pins from bottom slots
in hitch plate.
Tilt bottom of the tractor/skid steer hitch plate slightly
back towards the power equipment.
Slowly lower tractor/skid steer hitch until the top
angle bar and tractor/skid steer hitch have separated.
Back tractor/skid steer slowly away from the blade
making sure it does not interfere with Trip Blade hitch
plate and hydraulic hoses.
Trip Edge Blade Hitch Plate
Figure 4-3
Top Angle Bar
Bottom slots