RC5010 & RC6010 (540 RPM) and RCM5010 & RCM6010 (1000 RPM) Rotary Cutters 318-128M
Land Pride
Section 4: Options
Safety Guard Options
Rotary Cutters have the ability to discharge objects at high
speeds; therefore, the use of front and rear safety guards is
strongly recommended when cutting along highways and in
areas where people may be present.
Land Pride offers three types of safety guards to best suit
your application. They are the rubber guard, single chain
guard and double chain guard. The rubber guard is
designed for light duty applications. The single chain
guard is designed to handle heavier applications where
the cutter blades contact solid, dense objects capable of
tearing through the rubber. Double chain guards provide
the highest degree of protection against objects being
Part Number & Description
Rubber Guards*
Front Rubber Safety Guards
Rear Rubber Safety Guards
Single Chain Guards*
Front Single Chain Safety Guards
Rear Single Chain Safety Guards
Double Chain Guards*
Front Double Chain Safety Guards
Rear Double Chain Safety Guards
Weight Box Chain Guards
Front Chain Guard
Rear Chain Guard
*Weight box chain guards are purchased separate from
the rubber guards, single chain guards & double chain
guards when replacements are needed.
IMPORTANT: Not all objects will be stopped by the
safety guards. Therefore, Land Pride recommends
using extreme caution when cutting in public areas.
It is best to operate the Rotary Cutter when no one
is around except the operator.
Section 4: Options