Section 1: Assembly & Set-up
FM2548, FM2560, FM2572, & FM2584 Flail Mowers 333-138M
Unhook FM2572 & FM2584
To avoid serious injury or death:
A crushing hazard exists while hooking-up and unhooking
implement. Keep people and animals away while backing-up
to implement or pulling away from implement. Do not operate
hydraulic controls while a person or animal is directly behind
the power machine or near the implement.
To avoid serious injury or death:
Always shut tractor down using “Tractor Shutdown
Procedure” provided in this manual before dismounting
stored for a long time.
2. Shut tractor down properly before dismounting. Refer
3. Pull back on driveline pull collar (#6) and hold while
pulling driveline yoke from tractor power take-off
4. Collapse driveline by pushing tractor end of driveline
towards the reservoir.
5. Support collapsed driveline off the ground to keep
dirt away from driveline pull collars and bearings.
6. Remove top center hairpin cotter (#5), hitch
pin (#4), and accessory bushing (#7). If provided,
place center 3-point link in tractor’s holding clip.
Reinstall hitch pin (#4) and accessory bushing (#7) in
upper clevis and secure with hairpin cotter (#5).
8. Remove linchpins (#3), hairpin cotters (#2), and hitch
pins (#1) from lower 3-point lift arms.
9. Restart tractor and drive forward several feet while
making sure lower 3-point arms do not catch on the
10. Shut tractor down properly before dismounting.
11. Reinstall hitch pins (#1) in lower hitch clevises, and
secure with hairpin cotters (#2) and linchpins (#3) for
safe keeping.
Tractor Hook-up to FM2572 & FM2584
Figure 1-9