Ground Source Heat Pumps Since 1983
Thermal relays go off
immediately when power
is switched on.
The protection switch for the motor goes off if the
equipment is short-circuited or one of the phases is
not on.
Contact an electrician.
Fuses in the master switchboard of the building are
Check the condition of the fuses and replace
as required.
Regulator display reads:
Enter code
You have attempted to change the settings in main-
tenance mode.
Special settings for maintenance mode are not
required for normal use. Set values for tempe-
ratures can be set in normal mode.
The system does not
produce enough heat
A sudden drop in outdoor temperature may tempo-
rarily cause inadequate heating power in new buil-
dings, because moisture contained in the structure
takes up a lot of heat when it dries.
No action required.
During the first year, the ground loop may not produ-
ce heat at full power because the earth around the
ground loop pipes has not yet become more solid.
No action required.
The set value and measu-
red value for the regulator
do not match.
A maximum limit has been used for the set values.
A spiking over-voltage caused by a lightning strike
has caused a fault in the condenser, causing the
temperature to drop from the actual values.
The regulator must be replaced (not under
The regulator motor has been set on manual and the
regulation does not take place.
In the summer, the temperature in the room where
the heat pump is located may rise to up to 30 de-
grees Celsius. In these cases, the temperature sensor
for the output water is reading the air temperature
instead of the temperature for the output water.
No action required.
The compressor is on all
the time or for long periods
of time.
A lot of heat is needed, for example the outdoor
temperature is very low or the structure is drying
during the first year’s use of the building.
No action required.
Lack of refrigerant. Can be detected from bubbles in
the liquid container even after some minutes of use.
Contact a refrigeration supplier or maintenance.
The processor/software on the regulator is faulty.
Turn off the control current switch for 10
seconds and turn it back on. If turning off the
power does not help, contact maintenance.
If the above instructions do not help, please contact your local Lämpöässä dealer.
PLEASE NOTE! The warranty shall be subject to the existence of an appropriately completed and issued warranty
certificate and a certificate signed by the user stating that the mechanic instructed the user on how to operate the