Hand Held Router
A hand held router cuts with a sideways action, however
because of the high level of dragging during operation,
the decorated side should be downwards. Always use a
vacuum extraction on a router to prevent swarf build-up
around the collet. If vacuum is not available, stop regularly
and clear the swarf.
CNC or milling Machine
Same as hand held router.
A jigsaw cuts with an upward action, so the panel should
be cut with the decorated face down. Note that a fine
metal cutting blade must be used to prevent chipping
and burring of the cut edge. Clean up with a file.
A handsaw can be used for cutting Metaline but must
have a dedicated metal cutting blade (eg hacksaw or fine
tenon saw). These saws typically cut in one direction –
set the blade direction (if possible) to the push stroke.
Cut with the decorated face upwards.
Hole saw and drills
Cut with the decorated face upwards. Regularly remove
the saw to allow the swarf to be ejected.