Fabrication Type – Finished Corner Details
Where the sheet requires two rolled edges to meet on corners, the following method is used to allow for the edge
folds to encapsulate the core:
1. Router the back of the sheet as per previous detail for rolled edges allowing the two passes to criss-cross over
the corner edge.
2. Remove the section of material as shown in red using a sharp chisel.
3. Roll the two sections over and the corner should meet without any overlap.
Fabrication Type – Butt Joined Sheets
Butt joining sheets as flat panels without any folding is a simpler method of fabrication. This method does not allow
for external folded corners around walls or seamless joins in corners. Ensure that all gaps are maintained at 3mm
(with packers) to allow for silicone sealing. The method of installation is explained in Section 5.
Important Design Considerations – Expansion and Orientation
Thermal Expansion
Laminex Metaline Splashbacks is an aluminium based composite material and will therefore exhibit minor
expansion and contraction behaviours during heating and cooling. Thermal expansion must be considered when
calculating dimensions and allowances for joins between sheets and around edges.
Laminex Metaline Splashbacks has a coefficient of expansion of 2.36 x 10
m/°C (0.0236mm/m/°C). Allow a gap of
3mm between sheets when butt joining them, and allow an edge gap of 3mm around all panels for caulking and sealing.
Metaline Back Face
Y + 6mm
X + 6mm