Cod. 3QE46200 - Rev. 00 - 11/2019
The pipes are wound and already flared at both ends.The di-
mensions are those given in the "LIMITS TO THE LENGTH AND
Route the coolant pipes as required, with as few bends possi-
ble.Use an appropriate pipe bender and comply with a minimum
bending radius to prevent them from being squashed.Remember
that the bending radius must not be less than 3.5 times the outer
diameter of the pipe (("fig. 11 -").
If you do not wish to cut off any excess pipe after routing, wind it
up so that the coil axis is horizontal.
Bear the following indications in mind when installing the pipes:
• Take care to unwind the pipe in the direction in which it was
• Wrap the two pipes together with tape before passing them
through the holes in the wall to prevent the insulation from being
damaged and dust from infiltrating. To facilitate this operation, it
is advisable to insert a piece of PVC pipe of a suitable diameter
and the same length as the wall thickness, into the hole in the
Adequate materials must be selected since the operating pres-
sure values are sensibly higher than those of the R32 refrigerant.
The following table gives the thickness values of the recommen-
ded copper pipes in relation to the nominal diameters of the con-
necting lines.Do not
use pipes whose thickness is less than 0.8mm.
If the pipes are longer than the effective requirements, they can
be cut and re-flared
by operating in the following way:
1. Pipe cutting .
Use a pipe cutter ("fig. 12 -"). Proceed with
care when cutting the pipe so as to prevent it from beco-
ming deformed. Cut the pipe to the required length (the cut
must be horizontal).
2. 2.How to remove burrs or splinters.
Refrigerant could
leak if the surface of the flare is warped or splintered. It
is advisable to remove the burrs by holding the pipe end
downwards ("fig. 13 -"). Remove the burrs and trim the sur-
face of the cut edge.
3. Insert the union.
Remember to insert the union before fla-
ring the pipe ("fig. 16 -").
4. Pipe flaring. M
ake sure that the pipe and swaging machi-
ne are clean. Remember to comply with the instructions in
the following tables ("Re-flanging thickness" and "Flare and
Union dimensions") when flaring the pipes. Clamp the pipe
(2 "fig. 15 -") in a vice (1 fig. 16 -) and begin to flare it (it is
best to place a drop of refrigerating oil between the rubbing
fig. 11 -
fig. 12 -
fig. 13 -
fig. 14 -