Combustion adjustment, burner flow, high and low flame gas valve (VCV
and SKP).
- Using the Tmf switch, bring the air actuator to the middle position between minimum and maximum
(approximately at 45° of the air actuator scale).
- Adjust combustion using screws N (VCV) or B (SKP).
- Using the Tmf switch, bring the air actuator to maximum position (all open). Bring to combustion using
screws V (VCV) or A (SKP) and check gas flow.
- If flow is lower than desired, open the air shutter (See Combustion head shutter placement).
- If the flow is higher than desired, close the air shutter.
- When gas flow is correct, use the Tmf switch to bring the air actuator to minimum position. Check
combustion and turn screws N (VCV) or B (SKP) as necessary.
- When performing minimum adjustment, re-check high flame combustion using the described proce-
PLEASE NOTE: the gas flow regulation handle of the VCV-L valve (item “H”) must be set at “maximum”
and not used to adjust the flow.
Combustion adjustment, burner flow, high and low flame gas valve