Ground Detection Connection
Ground Detection is available on all SGC chargers. The purpose of Ground Detection is to determine if the battery
or loads have become grounded. If the battery or loads are set up as Floating, it is recommended that Ground
Detection be enabled. When Ground Detection is enabled, a positive or negative ground fault indicator will
energize upon detection of the specified ground. The Ground Detection circuitry monitors the amount of ground
current, whether it is positive or negative, and will alarm when the threshold of 1.2mA is reached (or exceeded).
SGC chargers are shipped from the factory with Ground Detection enabled by default. It is recommended that
Ground Detection be disabled if the battery or loads are either positively or negatively grounded. Additionally, the
charger will show a ground fault at all times if the system is known to be grounded and the Ground Detection is
For SGC chargers which are set up to load share, only one charger should have Ground Detection enabled. All
other chargers must have Ground Detection disabled (See procedure below for steps). If an external Ground
Detection system is used, the SGC Ground Detection must be disabled.
With Ground Detection enabled, the SGC charger will contribute approximately 5mA from
either the positive or negative to ground on a dead short condition.
2.7.1 Ground Detection Connection Procedure
Before making any connections to the SGC, ensure that the AC Power is off at the main breaker box and that
both of the chargers’ breakers are off. To disable Ground Detection, move the green Ground Detection wire to
terminal of the CN10 connector on the S2A-431 board. To enable Ground Detection,
move the green Ground Detection wire back to the
terminal of the CN10 connector on
the S2A-431 board. Refer to the figure below.
Figure 8
Ground Detection Connection