Model 54035A User’s Manual
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Standard Rotary Pursuit Model 30010A
The Standard Rotary Pursuit interfaces to the 54035A via the pair of binding posts marked “EXT. ON-TARGET
TIMER”. The red binding post should be connected to the RUN/CNT input on the 54035A and the black binding
post should be connected to any of the GND inputs. When connected, the 54035A will show the time on target
over the length of a trial. Since the 54035A also counts the switch closure, it will also show total number of times
on target. Note that there will be a slight variance between the 54035A and the built-in 30010A timer due to the
different resolutions of the timers. The 54035A can be set to either single or multiple timer mode for this test.
Steadiness Testers, Groove and Hole Types Models 32010, 32011
Both types of steadiness testers can connect to the 54035A via the RUN/CNT input. Each tester has a binding
post on the apparatus. This binding post should be connected to any GND input on the 54035A. The stylus for
the device should be connected to the RUN/CNT input on the 54035A. The 54035A will show both the number
of errors and the total time for the errors. The time value will help the tester know if a subject intentionally
produces a continuous error in order to reduce the total number of counts. The 54035A can be set to either
single or multiple timer mode for these tests.
Tapping Board Model 32012
The 54035A connects to the 32012 via the RUN/CNT input. The binding post on the board connects to any GND
input on the 54035A. The stylus for the tapping board connects to the RUN/CNT input. The 54035A will show
the number of counts or taps along with the contact time for each tap. The time reading for this experiment
can be disregarded. The 54035A can be set to either single or multiple timer mode for this test.
Mirror Tracer/Two Arm Coordination tests Models 58024A, 32532
The 54035A can be used with both of these tests to time and count responses. The 58024A comes with its own
counter, but the 54035A can be substituted if desired. To set up, connect the black binding post on the device
to any GND input on the 54035A. Connect the red binding post to the RUN/CNT input. The 54035A will show
total number of errors and the total time off target. The 54035A can be set to either single or multiple timer
mode for these tests.
Visual Choice Reaction Timer Model 63035
The 54035A can be used with the 63035 to record response time. To set up, connect the black binding post on
the side of the 63035 to any GND input on the rear of 54035A. Connect the red binding post to the RUN/CNT
input on the 54035A. The 54035A will show the total time between the stimulus and response. The 54035A
will also show counts, but they can be ignored. The 54035A can be set to either single or multiple timer mode
for this test.
Linear Movement Apparatus Model 31202
The 54035A can be used with the Linear Movement Apparatus to show total movement time. To setup, program
the timer for single timer mode with one split time (this is the default mode when the timer is turned on).
Connect both black terminals to any GND input on the 54035A. Connect the green terminal to the START input
and the red terminal to the STOP1 input.