Water rescue
The Resusci Junior manikin is designed for
training in water resuscitation and rescue
techniques. If you have purchased a water-rescue
version of the Resusci Junior it is ready to use.
An optional Water Rescue Kit (184010) is
available to make the manikin simulate, a
semi-submerged floating, unconscious victim, or a
victim that will sink to the bottom of the pool.
The manikin may be used in salt or fresh water.
The SkillGuide version of Resusci Junior must not be
used for water rescue.
Installing the Water Rescue Kit (184010)
Mount the floatation device as follows:
Unbutton the chest skin
and lift out the chest
and lung plate assembly.
Place the floatation
device underneath the
lung plate over the
compression cylinder.
Push the tubing out
through the manikin’s
Mount the weights as follows:
Undo the four screws of
each thigh. Place the
weight over the upper
cylinder piece, one
weight in each thigh.
Reassemble the thigh.
Using Resusci Junior for water rescue
Now the Water Rescue Kit has been installed, the
device can be inflated or deflated without any
disassembly of the manikin.
Preparing to float:
Attach the inflation side
of the pump bulb to the
tubing and squeeze. It
requires about 18-22 full
squeezes of the pump
to inflate the device.
Pinch the tubing, remove
the pump bulb, and
insert the stopper plug.
When the manikin is in
the water, you can open
the tube to evacuate air
until the position is
correct, i.e. the angle
between the water and
body is 30°.
Note: After use, the floatation device is deflated by
attaching the deflation side of the pump to the
tubing and squeezing. When all the air is removed
from the floatation device, the pump bulb will not
recover from your squeeze. At this point, remove the
pump bulb and replace the stopper plug.
Repacking after use
After use in water, the manikin should be well
dried before being returned to storage. Removing
the manikin from the water by the arms will help
the manikin drain quickly. To further promote
gravity drainage, prop the manikin upright for a
few minutes. Use a cloth to dry the exterior and
interior of the manikin.
The following exemplifies uses of the Resusci
Junior manikin in water rescue training programs
and lifesaving competition events.
In-water resuscitation
Recognition of drowning
When the floatation
device has been
inflated, the manikin
will float face down,
semi-submerged in
the water. This is a
position typical of an
unconscious person.
Rescue breathing may
be practised while
the manikin is in the
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