The consistency of the solution approximates the mucus
normally suctioned in a trachesostomy patient.
Drain and air-dry lungs immediately after use.
Photo 2
Drain Plug
NG feeding tube – 8
NG Tube Insertion -
1. Filling stomach reservoir for
NG Tube insertion:
a. Remove chest skin from torso by
detaching straps on back of
b. Place infant in supine position.
c. Remove drain plug from stomach
reservoir. (Photo 2)
d. Use a syringe to fill reservoir with approximately 50cc
of water.
e. Replace drain plug.
Replace chest skin, being sure to secure straps.
Emptying stomach after NG Tube insertion -
a. Remove chest skin from torso by detaching straps on
back of manikin.
b. Place infant in supine position.
c. Remove drain plug from the stomach reservoir.
d. Allow fluid to drain by tilting infant or aspirate fluid
with a syringe.
e. Allow to air dry before reassembly.
Lungs -
Lungs may be detached from the bronchial tubes by removing
bands and pulling them off. To replace, reverse the procedure.
Spreading the bands with forceps and slipping them over the
“Y” connector may aid in reconnecting the lungs.