MamaNatalie Kit Components
……………… 3
Introduction and Features
To Prepare for Simulation
………………………… 5
To Prepare NeoNatalie. .
………………………………………… 5
1 Fill NeoNatalie with Water ……………………………………… 5
2 Fit the Hard Skull with Fontanellas onto NeoNatalie’s head……5
3 Detach the Simulation Tubes ……………………………………6
4 Attach the Umbilical Cord ………………………………………6
To Prepare MamaNatalie
.……………………………………… 6
1 Inflate the Uterus Air Reservoir …………………………………6
- Test for correct inflation level …………………………………7
2 Fill the Blood Tank
……………………………………………… 7
3 Fill the Urine Bladder.…………………………………………… 8
4 Position the Squeaker Unit ..……………………………………. 8
5 Optional: Protection against fluid spillage………………………. 8
6 Attach MamaNatalie onto your body…………………………… 8
7 Hang the Uterus over the hook ………………………………… 8
8 Optional: For Cervix Landmark ………………………………… 9
To operate MamaNatalie
………………………… 9
1 Preparing for simulating birth ……………………………………9
2 Simulation of fetal heart sounds.………………………………. 10
3 Delivering NeoNatalie .………………………………………… 10
4 Delivering the Placenta .………………………………………… 10
5 Controlling blood flow .…………………………………………. 11
6 Controlling Uterus conditions…………………………………… 12
7 Urine Catheterization ……………………………………………13
8 Cervix Landmark.………………………………………………. 13
9 Simulation of Baby Cries………………………………………… 13
10 Administration of medications………………………………… 13
Tips for performing simulations
……………. 13
Maintenance, storage and transport
…… 13
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