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CloudBox User Manual




of this document. Online User Manuals feature easy navigation, expandable illustrations, and
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The LaCie CloudBox is a great solution for storing and backing up data. As a
local network device with ample storage, you can keep your important files
on its disk drive. For added security, all data stored on the CloudBox is
automatically backed up to your Online Backup account each day. This
manual will help you to configure and administer the CloudBox on your

Summary of Contents for CloudBox

Page 1: ...capability INTRODUCTION The LaCie CloudBox is a great solution for storing and backing up data As a local network device with ample storage you can keep your important files on its disk drive For adde...

Page 2: ...The Online Backup account will retain all the data stored on the CloudBox at the time of the scheduled backup For example along with many other files Text Document A is stored on your CloudBox Each d...

Page 3: ...portant note In almost all instances the use of the LaCie CloudBox should not incur additional fees from an Internet Service Provider Please note that under no circumstances will LaCie be held respons...

Page 4: ...ant info Please save your packaging In the event that the drive should need to be repaired or serviced it must be returned in its original packaging Do not forget to keep the leaflet in a safe and acc...

Page 5: ...CloudBox User Manual 5 VIEWS OF THE DRIVES Front View LED activity light 1 Rear View Power button 1 Power supply 2 Gigabit Ethernet 3...

Page 6: ...CloudBox User Manual 6...

Page 7: ...te Even if you have turned off the front LED using the Dashboard administration page see Dashboard General Settings events triggering a red light will always cause the front LED to turn on POWER BUTTO...

Page 8: ...nnect it to a network Please note that the images in the table below may not reflect the precise cable or connector positions of your LaCie device or router However the ends of the Ethernet cable are...

Page 9: ...aCie CloudBox 1 Connect the other end of the Ethernet cable into an available Ethernet port on your router switch or hub 2 Your network router or switch must support DHCP to run the Setup Wizard Most...

Page 10: ...ox User Manual 10 Press the power button on the back of the CloudBox The drive is ready to be accessed once the blue LED has 4 stopped blinking Please be patient while the CloudBox starts for the firs...

Page 11: a foreign country However LaCie accepts no responsibility for any damage to the drive resulting from the use of an inappropriate adapter Further your warranty will be void if you a Use any other po...

Page 12: ...CloudBox see Administering Your LaCie CloudBox LaCie recommends using LaCie Network Assistant to launch the CloudBox Setup Wizard Technical note You may be running an earlier version of LaCie Network...

Page 13: ...e listed on your network the storage will not be accessible until the Setup Wizard has been completed The Setup Wizard can be started via LaCie Network Assistant or directly in your web browser LAUNCH...

Page 14: ...CloudBox User Manual 14 LaCie Network Assistant Mac...

Page 15: ...ith your 1 Year Online Backup contract number before continuing with the Setup Wizard You will be asked for the contract number during the setup Administrator and Users A Quick Note Before Starting Th...

Page 16: ...rtant note The Username and Password entered during the Setup act as the default login for the CloudBox administrator For security reasons they cannot be recovered Therefore LaCie highly recommends th...

Page 17: ...CloudBox User Manual 17 2 N e t w o r k P l e a s e m a k e c e r t a i n t h a t y o u r s w i t c h o r r o u t e r s u...

Page 18: ...CloudBox User Manual 18 p p o r t s D H C P Y o u m a y a d j u s t t h e I P s e t t i n g s o n y o u r C l o u d B o x o...

Page 19: ...CloudBox User Manual 19 n c e t h e S e t u p W i z a r d i s c o m p l e t e S t a n d a r d D H C P N e t w o r k T h e...

Page 20: ...CloudBox User Manual 20 S e t u p W i z a r d w i l l b e g i n t o c o n f i g u r e t h e C l o u d B o x o n y o u r n e...

Page 21: ...CloudBox User Manual 21 t w o r k C l i c k N E X T P r o x y S e r v e r I f t h e C l o u d B o x c a n n o t c o n n...

Page 22: ...CloudBox User Manual 22 e c t t o t h e I n t e r n e t t h e S e t u p w i l l a s k f o r a p r o x y s e r v e r E n t e...

Page 23: ...CloudBox User Manual 23 r t h e p r o x y s e r v e r I P a d d r e s s a n d t h e p a s s w o r d i f n e c e s s a r y...

Page 24: ...CloudBox User Manual 24 C l i c k N E X T B e f o r e m o v i n g t o t h e n e x t s t e p t h e S e t u p W i z a...

Page 25: ...CloudBox User Manual 25 r d w i l l s e a r c h f o r a m o r e r e c e n t v e r s i o n o f s o f t w a r e 3 A c c o u n...

Page 26: ...CloudBox User Manual 26 t L o c a t e t h e l e a f l e t w i t h y o u r C l o u d B o x 1 Y e a r O n l i n e B a c k...

Page 27: ...CloudBox User Manual 27 u p C o n t r a c t n u m b e r I n t h e S e t u p W i z a r d e n t e r t h e c o n t r a c...

Page 28: ...CloudBox User Manual 28 t n u m b e r p r o v i d e d o n t h e l e a f l e t T h e c o n t r a c t n u m b e r i s c a s e...

Page 29: ...CloudBox User Manual 29 s e n s i t i v e C l i c k N E X T E n t e r a U s e r n a m e a n d P a s s w o r d T h e U...

Page 30: ...CloudBox User Manual 30 s e r n a m e c a n r u n f r o m 1 t o 2 0 c h a r a c t e r s I t i s c a s e s e n s i t i v e...

Page 31: ...CloudBox User Manual 31 a n d d o e s n o t s u p p o r t s y m b o l s A s t h e f i r s t u s e r t h e n a m e e n t e...

Page 32: ...CloudBox User Manual 32 r e d d u r i n g t h i s s t e p b e c o m e s t h e s o l e a d m i n i s t r a t o r o f t h e C...

Page 33: ...CloudBox User Manual 33 l o u d B o x T h i s i s t h e o n l y u s e r n a m e t h a t c a n n o t b e c h a n g e d o n...

Page 34: ...CloudBox User Manual 34 c e t h e C l o u d B o x s e t u p i s c o m p l e t e I t i s v e r y i m p o r t a n t t o m a...

Page 35: ...CloudBox User Manual 35 k e n o t e o f t h e a d m i n i s t r a t o r U s e r n a m e a n d P a s s w o r d T o p r o t e...

Page 36: ...CloudBox User Manual 36 c t O n l i n e B a c k u p a c c o u n t s f r o m u n a u t h o r i z e d a c c e s s a d m i n i...

Page 37: ...CloudBox User Manual 37 s t r a t o r U s e r n a m e s a n d P a s s w o r d s c a n n o t b e r e c o v e r e d O f c o u...

Page 38: ...CloudBox User Manual 38 r s e n o n a d m i n i s t r a t o r U s e r n a m e s a n d P a s s w o r d s m a y b e r e c o...

Page 39: ...CloudBox User Manual 39 v e r e d b y t h e C l o u d B o x a d m i n i s t r a t o r E n t e r a n e m a i l a d d r e s...

Page 40: ...CloudBox User Manual 40 s t o r e c e i v e y o u r C l o u d B o x O n l i n e B a c k u p v e r i f i c a t i o n c o d e...

Page 41: ...CloudBox User Manual 41 T h e v e r i f i c a t i o n c o d e w i l l a l l o w y o u t o c o n t i n u e w i t h t h e S e...

Page 42: ...CloudBox User Manual 42 t u p W i z a r d C l i c k N E X T C h e c k y o u r e m a i l f o r t h e v e r i f i c a t i...

Page 43: ...CloudBox User Manual 43 o n c o d e E n t e r t h e v e r i f i c a t i o n c o d e i n t o t h e S e t u p W i z a r d P...

Page 44: ...CloudBox User Manual 44 l e a s e r e m e m b e r t h a t t h e c o d e i s c a s e s e n s i t i v e C l i c k N E X T...

Page 45: ...CloudBox User Manual 45 4 F i n i s h Y o u r C l o u d B o x a c c o u n t h a s b e e n c o n f i g u r e d a n d y o u...

Page 46: ...CloudBox User Manual 46 a r e n o w r e a d y f o r o n l i n e b a c k u p A n y f i l e s y o u c o p y o n t o t h e C l...

Page 47: ...CloudBox User Manual 47 o u d B o x w i l l b e a u t o m a t i c a l l y b a c k e d u p t o y o u r o n l i n e s t o r a...

Page 48: ...CloudBox User Manual 48 g e C l i c k F I N I S H t o l a u n c h t h e D a s h b o a r d a d m i n i s t r a t i o n t o o...

Page 49: ...CloudBox User Manual 49 l Y o u w i l l r e c e i v e a n e m a i l c o n f i r m i n g y o u r C l o u d B o x O n l...

Page 50: ...CloudBox User Manual 50 i n e B a c k u p a c c o u n t P r o c e e d t o A d m i n i s t e r i n g Y o u r L a C i e C...

Page 51: ...CloudBox User Manual 51 l o u d B o x f o r f u r t h e r i n f o r m a t i o n o n u s i n g a n d m a n a g i n g y o u r...

Page 52: ...CloudBox User Manual 52 L a C i e C l o u d B o x Y o u c a n a l s o v i s i t h t t p c l o u d b o x l a c i e c o m...

Page 53: ...lacement unit If your contract number is associated with an active Online Backup account you will have the option to restore your last backup Launch LaCie Network Assistant and select CloudBox Web acc...

Page 54: ...ress and the password if necessary Click NEXT Enter your contract number in the Setup Wizard Click NEXT 4 Enter your Username and Password Click NEXT 5 Your Online Backup account will be discovered Th...

Page 55: ...T RENEWAL AND EXPIRATION LaCie recommends renewing your Online Backup contract each year In keeping your Online Backup contract up to date you can continue to enjoy secure updates to your private acco...

Page 56: ...Computer A the administrator must disconnect from the admin user folder However a user folder may be mounted on more than one computer on the same network at the same time For example the user folder...

Page 57: Assistant Windows LaCie Network Assistant Mac Enter your Login and Password 3 Windows A network window will open with all the user folders created on the CloudBox Double click on your user folder...

Page 58: ...r to enter the CloudBox Name Username and Password Transfer files from your computer to the CloudBox user folder You can copy and paste or drag and drop files 4 directly to the user folder Map User Fo...

Page 59: ...rom the LaCie Network Assistant menu select Configuration Window 1 Click the Volumes tab 2 If you wish to map password protected user folders click the Authentication button A prompt will ask for 3 yo...

Page 60: ...60 Next to the user folder you wish to map click the check box under the column Auto Mount 4 Windows The user folder will mount in My Computer Computer automatically when the computer detects the Clo...

Page 61: ...der icon will appear in your Finder when the computer detects the CloudBox on the network Map User Folders Via the Operating System Windows XP Vista and Windows 7 Users From an Explorer window in Wind...

Page 62: ...time you log on to the computer 3 You now have access to your user folder from an Explorer window 4 Mac Users Open a new Finder window In the SHARED section on the left click on CloudBox or the new na...

Page 63: ...Further you decide the type of backup that best suits your working environment Backup preferences range from copying files manually to automated solutions such as Windows Backup and Restore Desktop C...

Page 64: ...LaCie Backup Assistant on the included Utilities CD ROM to install professional versions of Genie Timeline for Windows or Intego for Mac Both offer excellent backup options for your CloudBox Genie Ti...

Page 65: ...NISTERING YOUR LACIE CLOUDBOX The LaCie CloudBox features an easy to use administration tool called the Dashboard You can access the Dashboard via LaCie Network Assistant or directly in your Web brows...

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Page 67: ...k on the LaCie Network Assistant icon in the system tray Windows or menu bar Mac and select CloudBox Web Access Internet Browser Open your Internet browser and type your CloudBox s machine name by def...

Page 68: will open in a new browser window or tab If your browser is not open LaCie Network Assistant will open it for you To open the Dashboard you must enter the administrator Login and Password that w...

Page 69: ...CloudBox User Manual 69 S e l e c t a p r e f e r r e d l a n g u a g e R e q u e s t t o r e c e i v e y o u r a d m...

Page 70: ...CloudBox User Manual 70 i n i s t r a t o r p a s s w o r d h i n t v i a e m a i l C l i c k o n P a s s w o r d h i n t u...

Page 71: ...CloudBox User Manual 71 n d e r t h e L O G O N b u t t o n t h e n f i l l o u t t h e p a s s w o r d h i n t f i e l d s...

Page 72: ...CloudBox User Manual 72 T h e a d m i n i s t r a t o r s p a s s w o r d h i n t w i l l b e s e n t t o t h e e m a i l a...

Page 73: ...CloudBox User Manual 73 d d r e s s p r o v i d e d d u r i n g t h e S e t u p U s e r p a s s w o r d s d o n o t r e q u...

Page 74: ...CloudBox User Manual 74 i r e r e c o v e r y s i n c e t h e y a r e m a n a g e d b y t h e a d m i n i s t r a t o r...

Page 75: ...CloudBox User Manual 75 S w i t c h t o H T T P S F o r a m o r e s e c u r e l o g i n y o u m a y c h o o s e t h e l i n...

Page 76: ...CloudBox User Manual 76 k S w i t c h t o h t t p s T h e s a m e p a g e w i l l a p p e a r u s i n g t h e H T T P S p r...

Page 77: ...CloudBox User Manual 77 o t o c o l Technical note Only password hints are sent via email The password itself should be easy to recover once the hint is received...

Page 78: ...nline Backup contract Online Backup Status This section lists the date and times of the previous and next backups backup history data sent and the current backup status Examples of a backup status Don...

Page 79: ...CloudBox User Manual 79 a Click the i icon to see the backup progress window b Click STOP THE BACKUP to cancel the backup in progress...

Page 80: ...r your place in the Dashboard a widget displays a summary for easy reference For full information navigate to the page itself by clicking directly on the widget To navigate to a page click the widget...

Page 81: ...ght hand corner of any Dashboard page If you are not restarting or shutting down the CloudBox LaCie recommends logging out for security reasons Logging out is very important if the computer is for pub...

Page 82: ...umeric characters without spaces or symbols Date mm dd yy The date is set by your CloudBox Online Account Workgroup Your CloudBox can join an existing Windows Workgroup Click on Workgroup to change th...

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Page 84: ...e administrator password Usage If you have set a quota for a user the amount of space used will be indicated as a percentage Quota Set the limit that a user may store on the CloudBox For example a use...

Page 85: ...nter 5 means that the user may only use up to 5 GB of storage on the CloudBox Click the green check sign on the right to create the user account 3 Deleting a User Important info Deleting a user will a...

Page 86: ...table has been filled in with values assigned by a DHCP server If you select Configure manually you will be able to modify the table values Please make certain that you are entering the correct IP add...

Page 87: ...Main user the administrator and the expiration date for the Online Backup contract Your account is activated during the Setup Wizard allowing you to perform online backups for one year After one year...

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Page 89: ...s of the settings you wish to change Click BACKUP NOW to initiate an immediate backup Select the time of day for the CloudBox online backup by clicking the selection next to Online backup start time L...

Page 90: ...n to choose transfer rates for your CloudBox uploads and downloads Please consider the amount of bandwidth that the CloudBox will use before making any changes To initiate a change click on the settin...

Page 91: ...User Manual 91 By default the CloudBox online backup will ignore hidden files used by Mac OS X To backup these files you may click on No next to Ignore hidden Mac files Select Yes to skip Mac OS hidd...

Page 92: ...backup takes many hours or several days All online backups occur in the background leaving you free to operate your computer or workstation Factors that may contribute to a slow backup Amount of data...

Page 93: ...Diagnosis Drive Status Use this tab to see if the CloudBox is experiencing any errors The status is color coded for easy identification of potential problems See the table below Click RELOAD to receiv...

Page 94: ...ove options do not resolve the issue try to restore the CloudBox to factory settings The CloudBox is not connected to the Internet Not available Grey There is a problem connecting to the CloudBox Try...

Page 95: ...CloudBox User Manual 95 Click on the words Done Failed or In progress to see the log A fourth option Partial indicates that the backup was successful but skipped unsupported files...

Page 96: ...irmware currently being used by the CloudBox System log Click the Download button to save the CloudBox log to your computer The system log is helpful when speaking with Technical Support Email notific...

Page 97: ...n recover the settings when performing a Full Restore as part of the Setup Wizard The CloudBox Setup Wizard Existing Contract The CloudBox must have successfully completed an Online Backup in order to...

Page 98: ...AUTO Update Preferred Your network hard drive is configured to obtain the latest software updates through the Internet If a new version of software is found you will receive a notification to update...

Page 99: all network attached storage on the network save for the CloudBox Unmount all user folders associated with the CloudBox from computers on the network This update procedure will not erase your con...

Page 100: ...ESTORE There are two easy ways to restore your data Selective Restore Browse your online backup history to restore individual files This option allows for greater 1 control in choosing only the files...

Page 101: of your last 10 backups to the CloudBox Download the CloudBox Online Restore application at http cloudbox lacie com from any computer with an Internet connection The CloudBox Online Restore applica...

Page 102: ...account Select one or more files and click Restore at the top of the application window You can download the files 1 directly to your computer Browse files from your last 10 successful Backup Points 2...

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Page 104: ...age has Selective restore on PC to link you directly to http cloudbox lacie com Once at the site you can download the CloudBox Online Restore application to your computer If you have already downloade...

Page 105: ...n a replacement unit Please note that this will restore the last successful backup point See The CloudBox Setup Wizard Existing Contract for further information Important info All data stored on the C...

Page 106: ...Choose the Home page 2 Click on Full restore on Box 3 Read the warning prompt If you wish to continue with the Full Restore click YES 4 The entirety of the last complete online backup will be restored...

Page 107: destination such as your internal hard drive or external storage 2 Choose the Backup Point that you wish to use for the Full Restore then click the RESTORE button 3 The entirety of the selected bac...

Page 108: ...being shut off However your Online Backup account will keep the data that was uploaded to the point that the CloudBox lost power or was shut off also called a restore point Once powered back on the n...

Page 109: ...s receive updated information on your LaCie device SOFTWARE UPDATES LaCie frequently releases firmware updates to improve the functionality of products Please check frequently for recent updates to fi...

Page 110: ...flickering for an inordinate period of time A If the LED is flickering or will not turn on the power supply may be defective Please contact your LaCie reseller or LaCie Customer Support Q Did you foll...

Page 111: ...2 Go to www lacie com to find the latest version of LaCie Network Assistant 3 If there is a more recent version LaCie Network Assistant follow the online instructions to download and 4 install it A us...

Page 112: ...odify it Never insert any metallic object into the casing to avoid any risk of electrical shock fire short circuiting or dangerous emissions This LaCie product contains no user serviceable parts If it...

Page 113: ...original point of purchase who will be able to help guide you Standard warranties vary depending on the product To verify your product s warranty status and to see which standard warranty is included...

Page 114: within the country of original retail purchase This warranty applies only to hardware products LaCie software media and manuals are licensed and warranted pursuant to separate written agreement Thi...

Page 115: ...causes e to damage caused by operating the product outside the permitted or intended uses described by LaCie f to damage caused by service including upgrades and expansions performed by anyone who is...

Page 116: ...covery and cannot be held liable for any data loss on drives or media returned to LaCie All products returned to LaCie must be securely packaged in their original box and shipped with postage prepaid...

Page 117: ...experienced radio TV technician for help 4 FCC Caution Any changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user s authority to operate this equi...

Page 118: ...RNARD 2006 Allan Saddi allan saddi com 2004 Jan Kneschke incremental 2001 2006 Patrick K O Brien and Contributors 2003 2009 Stuart Bishop stuart stuartbishop net 2006 Kirill Simonov 1996 2006 Julian R...

Page 119: ...If this is used near a radio TV receiver it may cause radio interference Install the equipment according to the manual This statement does not apply to the LaCie CloudBox MANUFACTURER S DECLARATION FO...
