Ultimate-cell Stackable Shaking Incubator V2017.2
6.1 Home Page Summary
“Stop” button:
Press this to stop the operation. When the incubator is in operation,
press this button to pause. Press it again, to stop the current operation.
“Run” button
Press this button to start the operation. When the unit is paused, this
will twinkle; press it again to resume the operation
“Set” Button:
Press it to enter the Set Menu page Settings
“Clock Time” Display:
It displays the actual clock time.
“Alarm” Status:
Once the conditions of alarms are fulfilled, the alarm is declared, and
indicator will be lighted.
“Door” Status:
This indicator will be lighted if door is opened or closed improperly.
"Address" Status
This indicates the current serial address when the incubator is con-
nected to any communication protocols, e.g. RS-485.
RS485 Communication Address Setting Option
"Door Lock" Button
Press it to enter the password and unlock the front door.
RS485 Communication Address Setting Option