AQ-00275-000, Rev. 3
When not in use, the accessory should be stored in a controlled environment. Dust and moisture
may adversely affect its performance. A cover to the optical chamber is provided to protect the
DRA-CA-3300 optical bench from dust and exposure during long-term storage.
• Never disconnect or connect the detector cable with the instrument powered on.
• Do not handle the detector or mirrors with your bare fingers.
• Do not allow foreign objects to enter the integrating sphere.
• Clean dust and particulate debris out of the sphere using a gentle stream of clean
• Do not expose the integrating sphere to radiation that might saturate the detector
during a scan.
Mirror Cleaning Procedure
The transfer optics mirrors should never be touched or handled with bare fingers. However, the
mirrors do have a protective magnesium fluoride overcoat to allow cleaning if necessary. The fol-
lowing procedure is recommended:
1. Remove the mirror fixture.
2. Spray the mirror with Fantastic Spray Cleaner.
3. Rinse the mirror with distilled water.
4. Repeat until the water sheets off the mirror.
5. Blow dry the mirror surface with a stream of clean nitrogen.
6. Replace the mirror fixture and check the alignment of the optics.
Spectralon Care Guide
In order to maintain the unique optical and reflectance properties of Spectralon standards, keep the
surfaces of the material very clean. Should Spectralon become soiled, particles may be blown off it
with a jet of clean air. If this is insufficient, sand the piece with a 220-240 grit emery cloth under a
stream of running water. Sand the surface until it is totally hydrophobic (water beads and runs off
immediately) and then shake off water droplets, or blow them off with a stream of clean air.